It’s Palm Sunday!  

We will be continuing our Lent theme of deep calls to deep.  

This Sunday’s theme is… Deep in the current: Called to deep hope.   

The scriptures for this Sunday are…   

Isaiah 50:4-9a

Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29

John 12:12-16

Philippians 2:5-11   

Hope is such an appropriate theme as we begin this Holy week journey.  The hope and excitement displayed by those waving the palm branches and laying their coats down as Jesus enter Jerusalem must have been electric.  They had hope for a King and a deliverer for long time and now they had it in Jesus.  But in just a few short days all their excitement had left, and their sense of hope had an entirely different feel.  The hurt, the pain, the disappointment… now what?  The hope they carried now had a much darker, deeper feel. 

During your 2021 Lent journey, what gives you cause for hope? 

Where do you place your attention, your mind, your focus, in ways that deepen your capacity to hope and to live out this hope in the world? 

Let’s talk about it on Sunday.