Towards Sunday

July 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…. Women of Galilee”

by Lora Roth In the article, “Follow the Women Who Followed Jesus”, author Dr. Holly Carey writes, “If you’re like me, when you hear the word disciples you picture the apostles—the twelve men who were called by Jesus and whose names are listed several times...

July 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Ruth”

by Lydia Tissue Harnish Ruth: A little book, only four chapters long, that illustrates an ancient mandate of how we care for the refugee, orphan, and widow.  From the beginning, the storyteller informs us this is a story about women – women living “in the days when...

July 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Daughters of Zelophehad”

by Anna Ressler This week we'll be looking at the story of Zelophehad’s five daughters (Malah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah) whose bold petition for inheritance resulted in an addition to God’s law for all of the Israelites.  (You can read all about it in Numbers...

July 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Widow’s Offering”

This week as we continue our series on Women of the Bible, we will look at the widow who gave two coins, her only two coins, at the Temple.  This story can be found in Mark 12 and Luke 21… Mark...

June 30, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Rachel & Leah”

This week we are back to our Women of the Bible Series.  Our theme for Sunday’s sermon (June 30th) is Comparison and Competitiveness, based on the story of two sisters, Rachel & Leah.  The scripture we’ll be looking at takes place in Genesis 29...

June 16, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Shiphrah and Pual”

by Pastor Blaine Scripture lesson:  Exodus 1:7-19  (note: this lesson is carved out of a much larger story) 1. Shiphrah and Pual are midwives.  But what exactly does a midwife do? I found this description:      Caring for women during childbirth including...

June 9, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Priscilla & Aguila”

by Paul & Tina Holderman We are enjoying hearing from the variety of people who have been speaking about Women of the Bible. Donna, you will be a hard act to follow, especially the humor!  Well done!  You had so much packed into a 20 minute message. Lots...

May 26, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…The Suffering Woman”

Author: Mariann Martin This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations Dustin gave us to practice what we learned from Naaman’s wife’s Jewish slave girl. What do you need to let go of to experience more freedom in...

May 19, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Jewish Slave Girl”

This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations to practice what we learned from Elizabeth… 1.            Like Elizabeth was to Mary, who can you be a blessing to...

May 5, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Samaritan Woman at the Well”

As we continue our series on Women of the Bible, I want to take a moment and remind you of the invitations from the teaching on Hagar… Can we pray in a way that changes our perspective, not necessarily our situation? Can you reach out to someone who is in the middle...

April 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Hagar”

This email is typically when we look toward the coming Sunday and begin to think about our time together.  With that being the case, I would like to recap the invitation that arose from our teaching on the life of Sarah… 1.            In what ways can you model...

April 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Sarah”

This week we will be looking at the life of Sarah.  Sarah lived a long life and made some mistakes along the way but is mentioned in the Bible more than any other woman.  Does that surprise you? This Sunday I hope we can look at a familiar story with fresh...

April 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Deborah”

Author: Ray Geigley After Moses led the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt and before they had kings to rule them, the people were led by judges. Deborah was one of those judges and the only woman to do so. I hope you can find time to read her full story in both...

April 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Abigail”

With Lent and Easter in our rear-view mirror, we will begin a new series for the next five months… you read that right, the next five months.  Our new series is Women of the Bible. Even though our focus will be on Women of the Bible, this series isn’t just for...

March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday

It is Holy week.  During our time together this past Sunday, I mentioned that Jesus entered Jerusalem four different times during the first Holy Week.  The first time is what we call the Triumphal entry.  Jesus entered the temple “and when he had looked...

March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday

This Sunday known as Palm Sunday; we recognize the moment when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in preparation for the Passover celebration.  The Passover was a defining moment in the story of God’s people in the Old Testament.  The place for that...

March 17, 2024 – Lent #5

Did you ever ask a question, and you didn’t understand the answer?  We have two homeschooled high school students in our home.  There are times when I walk past the kitchen table and whether it is their mom, their online physics teacher, their Bible teacher...

March 10, 2024 – Lent #4

As we continue our journey through Lent, this week we are invited to dwell with these four scriptures… Numbers 21:4–9 Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22 John 3:14–21 Ephesians 2:1–10 In Michele Hershberger’s book, God’s Story Our Story, she writes… “Judgment and grace are flip...

March 3, 2024 – Lent 3

This Sunday will mark the halfway point of Lent this year.  Our theme for this week is… Christ among Us, Showing Us Justice. The scriptures we are invited to dwell with are… Exodus 20:1–17, Psalm 19, John 2:13–22, 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 In Jesus’ day, the temple...

February 25, 2024 – Lent 2

Happy Tuesday, fellow travelers of the Way.  It is the second week of Lent, and we have some powerful scriptures for us this week… Genesis 17:1–17, 15–16 Psalm 22:23–31 Mark 8:31–38 Romans 4:13–25 I invite you to sit with each of these passages this week. ...
Sermon Series: Advent 2021

June 20, 2021 – Interactions with Jesus: Zacchaeus

This Sunday we continue with our series, Interactions with Jesus.    We find ourselves in Luke 19…     Luke 19:1-10                      ...

July 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…. Women of Galilee”

by Lora Roth In the article, “Follow the Women Who Followed Jesus”, author Dr. Holly Carey writes, “If you’re like me, when you hear the word disciples you picture the apostles—the twelve men who were called by Jesus and whose names are listed several times...

July 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Ruth”

by Lydia Tissue Harnish Ruth: A little book, only four chapters long, that illustrates an ancient mandate of how we care for the refugee, orphan, and widow.  From the beginning, the storyteller informs us this is a story about women – women living “in the days when...

July 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Daughters of Zelophehad”

by Anna Ressler This week we'll be looking at the story of Zelophehad’s five daughters (Malah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah) whose bold petition for inheritance resulted in an addition to God’s law for all of the Israelites.  (You can read all about it in Numbers...

July 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Widow’s Offering”

This week as we continue our series on Women of the Bible, we will look at the widow who gave two coins, her only two coins, at the Temple.  This story can be found in Mark 12 and Luke 21… Mark...

June 30, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Rachel & Leah”

This week we are back to our Women of the Bible Series.  Our theme for Sunday’s sermon (June 30th) is Comparison and Competitiveness, based on the story of two sisters, Rachel & Leah.  The scripture we’ll be looking at takes place in Genesis 29...

June 16, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Shiphrah and Pual”

by Pastor Blaine Scripture lesson:  Exodus 1:7-19  (note: this lesson is carved out of a much larger story) 1. Shiphrah and Pual are midwives.  But what exactly does a midwife do? I found this description:      Caring for women during childbirth including...

June 9, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Priscilla & Aguila”

by Paul & Tina Holderman We are enjoying hearing from the variety of people who have been speaking about Women of the Bible. Donna, you will be a hard act to follow, especially the humor!  Well done!  You had so much packed into a 20 minute message. Lots...

May 26, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…The Suffering Woman”

Author: Mariann Martin This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations Dustin gave us to practice what we learned from Naaman’s wife’s Jewish slave girl. What do you need to let go of to experience more freedom in...

May 19, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Jewish Slave Girl”

This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations to practice what we learned from Elizabeth… 1.            Like Elizabeth was to Mary, who can you be a blessing to...

May 5, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Samaritan Woman at the Well”

As we continue our series on Women of the Bible, I want to take a moment and remind you of the invitations from the teaching on Hagar… Can we pray in a way that changes our perspective, not necessarily our situation? Can you reach out to someone who is in the middle...

April 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Hagar”

This email is typically when we look toward the coming Sunday and begin to think about our time together.  With that being the case, I would like to recap the invitation that arose from our teaching on the life of Sarah… 1.            In what ways can you model...

April 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Sarah”

This week we will be looking at the life of Sarah.  Sarah lived a long life and made some mistakes along the way but is mentioned in the Bible more than any other woman.  Does that surprise you? This Sunday I hope we can look at a familiar story with fresh...

April 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Deborah”

Author: Ray Geigley After Moses led the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt and before they had kings to rule them, the people were led by judges. Deborah was one of those judges and the only woman to do so. I hope you can find time to read her full story in both...

April 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Abigail”

With Lent and Easter in our rear-view mirror, we will begin a new series for the next five months… you read that right, the next five months.  Our new series is Women of the Bible. Even though our focus will be on Women of the Bible, this series isn’t just for...

March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday

It is Holy week.  During our time together this past Sunday, I mentioned that Jesus entered Jerusalem four different times during the first Holy Week.  The first time is what we call the Triumphal entry.  Jesus entered the temple “and when he had looked...

March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday

This Sunday known as Palm Sunday; we recognize the moment when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in preparation for the Passover celebration.  The Passover was a defining moment in the story of God’s people in the Old Testament.  The place for that...

March 17, 2024 – Lent #5

Did you ever ask a question, and you didn’t understand the answer?  We have two homeschooled high school students in our home.  There are times when I walk past the kitchen table and whether it is their mom, their online physics teacher, their Bible teacher...

March 10, 2024 – Lent #4

As we continue our journey through Lent, this week we are invited to dwell with these four scriptures… Numbers 21:4–9 Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22 John 3:14–21 Ephesians 2:1–10 In Michele Hershberger’s book, God’s Story Our Story, she writes… “Judgment and grace are flip...

March 3, 2024 – Lent 3

This Sunday will mark the halfway point of Lent this year.  Our theme for this week is… Christ among Us, Showing Us Justice. The scriptures we are invited to dwell with are… Exodus 20:1–17, Psalm 19, John 2:13–22, 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 In Jesus’ day, the temple...

February 25, 2024 – Lent 2

Happy Tuesday, fellow travelers of the Way.  It is the second week of Lent, and we have some powerful scriptures for us this week… Genesis 17:1–17, 15–16 Psalm 22:23–31 Mark 8:31–38 Romans 4:13–25 I invite you to sit with each of these passages this week. ...
Sermon Series: Not the Jesus We Want

June 20, 2021 – Interactions with Jesus: Zacchaeus

This Sunday we continue with our series, Interactions with Jesus.    We find ourselves in Luke 19…     Luke 19:1-10                      ...

July 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…. Women of Galilee”

by Lora Roth In the article, “Follow the Women Who Followed Jesus”, author Dr. Holly Carey writes, “If you’re like me, when you hear the word disciples you picture the apostles—the twelve men who were called by Jesus and whose names are listed several times...

July 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Ruth”

by Lydia Tissue Harnish Ruth: A little book, only four chapters long, that illustrates an ancient mandate of how we care for the refugee, orphan, and widow.  From the beginning, the storyteller informs us this is a story about women – women living “in the days when...

July 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Daughters of Zelophehad”

by Anna Ressler This week we'll be looking at the story of Zelophehad’s five daughters (Malah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah) whose bold petition for inheritance resulted in an addition to God’s law for all of the Israelites.  (You can read all about it in Numbers...

July 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Widow’s Offering”

This week as we continue our series on Women of the Bible, we will look at the widow who gave two coins, her only two coins, at the Temple.  This story can be found in Mark 12 and Luke 21… Mark...

June 30, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Rachel & Leah”

This week we are back to our Women of the Bible Series.  Our theme for Sunday’s sermon (June 30th) is Comparison and Competitiveness, based on the story of two sisters, Rachel & Leah.  The scripture we’ll be looking at takes place in Genesis 29...

June 16, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Shiphrah and Pual”

by Pastor Blaine Scripture lesson:  Exodus 1:7-19  (note: this lesson is carved out of a much larger story) 1. Shiphrah and Pual are midwives.  But what exactly does a midwife do? I found this description:      Caring for women during childbirth including...

June 9, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Priscilla & Aguila”

by Paul & Tina Holderman We are enjoying hearing from the variety of people who have been speaking about Women of the Bible. Donna, you will be a hard act to follow, especially the humor!  Well done!  You had so much packed into a 20 minute message. Lots...

May 26, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…The Suffering Woman”

Author: Mariann Martin This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations Dustin gave us to practice what we learned from Naaman’s wife’s Jewish slave girl. What do you need to let go of to experience more freedom in...

May 19, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Jewish Slave Girl”

This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations to practice what we learned from Elizabeth… 1.            Like Elizabeth was to Mary, who can you be a blessing to...

May 5, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Samaritan Woman at the Well”

As we continue our series on Women of the Bible, I want to take a moment and remind you of the invitations from the teaching on Hagar… Can we pray in a way that changes our perspective, not necessarily our situation? Can you reach out to someone who is in the middle...

April 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Hagar”

This email is typically when we look toward the coming Sunday and begin to think about our time together.  With that being the case, I would like to recap the invitation that arose from our teaching on the life of Sarah… 1.            In what ways can you model...

April 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Sarah”

This week we will be looking at the life of Sarah.  Sarah lived a long life and made some mistakes along the way but is mentioned in the Bible more than any other woman.  Does that surprise you? This Sunday I hope we can look at a familiar story with fresh...

April 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Deborah”

Author: Ray Geigley After Moses led the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt and before they had kings to rule them, the people were led by judges. Deborah was one of those judges and the only woman to do so. I hope you can find time to read her full story in both...

April 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Abigail”

With Lent and Easter in our rear-view mirror, we will begin a new series for the next five months… you read that right, the next five months.  Our new series is Women of the Bible. Even though our focus will be on Women of the Bible, this series isn’t just for...

March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday

It is Holy week.  During our time together this past Sunday, I mentioned that Jesus entered Jerusalem four different times during the first Holy Week.  The first time is what we call the Triumphal entry.  Jesus entered the temple “and when he had looked...

March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday

This Sunday known as Palm Sunday; we recognize the moment when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in preparation for the Passover celebration.  The Passover was a defining moment in the story of God’s people in the Old Testament.  The place for that...

March 17, 2024 – Lent #5

Did you ever ask a question, and you didn’t understand the answer?  We have two homeschooled high school students in our home.  There are times when I walk past the kitchen table and whether it is their mom, their online physics teacher, their Bible teacher...

March 10, 2024 – Lent #4

As we continue our journey through Lent, this week we are invited to dwell with these four scriptures… Numbers 21:4–9 Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22 John 3:14–21 Ephesians 2:1–10 In Michele Hershberger’s book, God’s Story Our Story, she writes… “Judgment and grace are flip...

March 3, 2024 – Lent 3

This Sunday will mark the halfway point of Lent this year.  Our theme for this week is… Christ among Us, Showing Us Justice. The scriptures we are invited to dwell with are… Exodus 20:1–17, Psalm 19, John 2:13–22, 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 In Jesus’ day, the temple...

February 25, 2024 – Lent 2

Happy Tuesday, fellow travelers of the Way.  It is the second week of Lent, and we have some powerful scriptures for us this week… Genesis 17:1–17, 15–16 Psalm 22:23–31 Mark 8:31–38 Romans 4:13–25 I invite you to sit with each of these passages this week. ...
Sermon Series: Interactions with Jesus

June 20, 2021 – Interactions with Jesus: Zacchaeus

This Sunday we continue with our series, Interactions with Jesus.    We find ourselves in Luke 19…     Luke 19:1-10                      ...

July 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…. Women of Galilee”

by Lora Roth In the article, “Follow the Women Who Followed Jesus”, author Dr. Holly Carey writes, “If you’re like me, when you hear the word disciples you picture the apostles—the twelve men who were called by Jesus and whose names are listed several times...

July 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Ruth”

by Lydia Tissue Harnish Ruth: A little book, only four chapters long, that illustrates an ancient mandate of how we care for the refugee, orphan, and widow.  From the beginning, the storyteller informs us this is a story about women – women living “in the days when...

July 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Daughters of Zelophehad”

by Anna Ressler This week we'll be looking at the story of Zelophehad’s five daughters (Malah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah) whose bold petition for inheritance resulted in an addition to God’s law for all of the Israelites.  (You can read all about it in Numbers...

July 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Widow’s Offering”

This week as we continue our series on Women of the Bible, we will look at the widow who gave two coins, her only two coins, at the Temple.  This story can be found in Mark 12 and Luke 21… Mark...

June 30, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Rachel & Leah”

This week we are back to our Women of the Bible Series.  Our theme for Sunday’s sermon (June 30th) is Comparison and Competitiveness, based on the story of two sisters, Rachel & Leah.  The scripture we’ll be looking at takes place in Genesis 29...

June 16, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Shiphrah and Pual”

by Pastor Blaine Scripture lesson:  Exodus 1:7-19  (note: this lesson is carved out of a much larger story) 1. Shiphrah and Pual are midwives.  But what exactly does a midwife do? I found this description:      Caring for women during childbirth including...

June 9, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Priscilla & Aguila”

by Paul & Tina Holderman We are enjoying hearing from the variety of people who have been speaking about Women of the Bible. Donna, you will be a hard act to follow, especially the humor!  Well done!  You had so much packed into a 20 minute message. Lots...

May 26, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…The Suffering Woman”

Author: Mariann Martin This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations Dustin gave us to practice what we learned from Naaman’s wife’s Jewish slave girl. What do you need to let go of to experience more freedom in...

May 19, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Jewish Slave Girl”

This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations to practice what we learned from Elizabeth… 1.            Like Elizabeth was to Mary, who can you be a blessing to...

May 5, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Samaritan Woman at the Well”

As we continue our series on Women of the Bible, I want to take a moment and remind you of the invitations from the teaching on Hagar… Can we pray in a way that changes our perspective, not necessarily our situation? Can you reach out to someone who is in the middle...

April 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Hagar”

This email is typically when we look toward the coming Sunday and begin to think about our time together.  With that being the case, I would like to recap the invitation that arose from our teaching on the life of Sarah… 1.            In what ways can you model...

April 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Sarah”

This week we will be looking at the life of Sarah.  Sarah lived a long life and made some mistakes along the way but is mentioned in the Bible more than any other woman.  Does that surprise you? This Sunday I hope we can look at a familiar story with fresh...

April 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Deborah”

Author: Ray Geigley After Moses led the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt and before they had kings to rule them, the people were led by judges. Deborah was one of those judges and the only woman to do so. I hope you can find time to read her full story in both...

April 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Abigail”

With Lent and Easter in our rear-view mirror, we will begin a new series for the next five months… you read that right, the next five months.  Our new series is Women of the Bible. Even though our focus will be on Women of the Bible, this series isn’t just for...

March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday

It is Holy week.  During our time together this past Sunday, I mentioned that Jesus entered Jerusalem four different times during the first Holy Week.  The first time is what we call the Triumphal entry.  Jesus entered the temple “and when he had looked...

March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday

This Sunday known as Palm Sunday; we recognize the moment when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in preparation for the Passover celebration.  The Passover was a defining moment in the story of God’s people in the Old Testament.  The place for that...

March 17, 2024 – Lent #5

Did you ever ask a question, and you didn’t understand the answer?  We have two homeschooled high school students in our home.  There are times when I walk past the kitchen table and whether it is their mom, their online physics teacher, their Bible teacher...

March 10, 2024 – Lent #4

As we continue our journey through Lent, this week we are invited to dwell with these four scriptures… Numbers 21:4–9 Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22 John 3:14–21 Ephesians 2:1–10 In Michele Hershberger’s book, God’s Story Our Story, she writes… “Judgment and grace are flip...

March 3, 2024 – Lent 3

This Sunday will mark the halfway point of Lent this year.  Our theme for this week is… Christ among Us, Showing Us Justice. The scriptures we are invited to dwell with are… Exodus 20:1–17, Psalm 19, John 2:13–22, 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 In Jesus’ day, the temple...

February 25, 2024 – Lent 2

Happy Tuesday, fellow travelers of the Way.  It is the second week of Lent, and we have some powerful scriptures for us this week… Genesis 17:1–17, 15–16 Psalm 22:23–31 Mark 8:31–38 Romans 4:13–25 I invite you to sit with each of these passages this week. ...
Sermon Series: Awe Yeah

June 20, 2021 – Interactions with Jesus: Zacchaeus

This Sunday we continue with our series, Interactions with Jesus.    We find ourselves in Luke 19…     Luke 19:1-10                      ...

July 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…. Women of Galilee”

by Lora Roth In the article, “Follow the Women Who Followed Jesus”, author Dr. Holly Carey writes, “If you’re like me, when you hear the word disciples you picture the apostles—the twelve men who were called by Jesus and whose names are listed several times...

July 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Ruth”

by Lydia Tissue Harnish Ruth: A little book, only four chapters long, that illustrates an ancient mandate of how we care for the refugee, orphan, and widow.  From the beginning, the storyteller informs us this is a story about women – women living “in the days when...

July 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Daughters of Zelophehad”

by Anna Ressler This week we'll be looking at the story of Zelophehad’s five daughters (Malah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah) whose bold petition for inheritance resulted in an addition to God’s law for all of the Israelites.  (You can read all about it in Numbers...

July 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Widow’s Offering”

This week as we continue our series on Women of the Bible, we will look at the widow who gave two coins, her only two coins, at the Temple.  This story can be found in Mark 12 and Luke 21… Mark...

June 30, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Rachel & Leah”

This week we are back to our Women of the Bible Series.  Our theme for Sunday’s sermon (June 30th) is Comparison and Competitiveness, based on the story of two sisters, Rachel & Leah.  The scripture we’ll be looking at takes place in Genesis 29...

June 16, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Shiphrah and Pual”

by Pastor Blaine Scripture lesson:  Exodus 1:7-19  (note: this lesson is carved out of a much larger story) 1. Shiphrah and Pual are midwives.  But what exactly does a midwife do? I found this description:      Caring for women during childbirth including...

June 9, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Priscilla & Aguila”

by Paul & Tina Holderman We are enjoying hearing from the variety of people who have been speaking about Women of the Bible. Donna, you will be a hard act to follow, especially the humor!  Well done!  You had so much packed into a 20 minute message. Lots...

May 26, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…The Suffering Woman”

Author: Mariann Martin This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations Dustin gave us to practice what we learned from Naaman’s wife’s Jewish slave girl. What do you need to let go of to experience more freedom in...

May 19, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Jewish Slave Girl”

This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations to practice what we learned from Elizabeth… 1.            Like Elizabeth was to Mary, who can you be a blessing to...

May 5, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Samaritan Woman at the Well”

As we continue our series on Women of the Bible, I want to take a moment and remind you of the invitations from the teaching on Hagar… Can we pray in a way that changes our perspective, not necessarily our situation? Can you reach out to someone who is in the middle...

April 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Hagar”

This email is typically when we look toward the coming Sunday and begin to think about our time together.  With that being the case, I would like to recap the invitation that arose from our teaching on the life of Sarah… 1.            In what ways can you model...

April 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Sarah”

This week we will be looking at the life of Sarah.  Sarah lived a long life and made some mistakes along the way but is mentioned in the Bible more than any other woman.  Does that surprise you? This Sunday I hope we can look at a familiar story with fresh...

April 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Deborah”

Author: Ray Geigley After Moses led the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt and before they had kings to rule them, the people were led by judges. Deborah was one of those judges and the only woman to do so. I hope you can find time to read her full story in both...

April 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Abigail”

With Lent and Easter in our rear-view mirror, we will begin a new series for the next five months… you read that right, the next five months.  Our new series is Women of the Bible. Even though our focus will be on Women of the Bible, this series isn’t just for...

March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday

It is Holy week.  During our time together this past Sunday, I mentioned that Jesus entered Jerusalem four different times during the first Holy Week.  The first time is what we call the Triumphal entry.  Jesus entered the temple “and when he had looked...

March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday

This Sunday known as Palm Sunday; we recognize the moment when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in preparation for the Passover celebration.  The Passover was a defining moment in the story of God’s people in the Old Testament.  The place for that...

March 17, 2024 – Lent #5

Did you ever ask a question, and you didn’t understand the answer?  We have two homeschooled high school students in our home.  There are times when I walk past the kitchen table and whether it is their mom, their online physics teacher, their Bible teacher...

March 10, 2024 – Lent #4

As we continue our journey through Lent, this week we are invited to dwell with these four scriptures… Numbers 21:4–9 Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22 John 3:14–21 Ephesians 2:1–10 In Michele Hershberger’s book, God’s Story Our Story, she writes… “Judgment and grace are flip...

March 3, 2024 – Lent 3

This Sunday will mark the halfway point of Lent this year.  Our theme for this week is… Christ among Us, Showing Us Justice. The scriptures we are invited to dwell with are… Exodus 20:1–17, Psalm 19, John 2:13–22, 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 In Jesus’ day, the temple...

February 25, 2024 – Lent 2

Happy Tuesday, fellow travelers of the Way.  It is the second week of Lent, and we have some powerful scriptures for us this week… Genesis 17:1–17, 15–16 Psalm 22:23–31 Mark 8:31–38 Romans 4:13–25 I invite you to sit with each of these passages this week. ...
Sermon Series: Who Are We

June 20, 2021 – Interactions with Jesus: Zacchaeus

This Sunday we continue with our series, Interactions with Jesus.    We find ourselves in Luke 19…     Luke 19:1-10                      ...

July 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…. Women of Galilee”

by Lora Roth In the article, “Follow the Women Who Followed Jesus”, author Dr. Holly Carey writes, “If you’re like me, when you hear the word disciples you picture the apostles—the twelve men who were called by Jesus and whose names are listed several times...

July 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Ruth”

by Lydia Tissue Harnish Ruth: A little book, only four chapters long, that illustrates an ancient mandate of how we care for the refugee, orphan, and widow.  From the beginning, the storyteller informs us this is a story about women – women living “in the days when...

July 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Daughters of Zelophehad”

by Anna Ressler This week we'll be looking at the story of Zelophehad’s five daughters (Malah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah) whose bold petition for inheritance resulted in an addition to God’s law for all of the Israelites.  (You can read all about it in Numbers...

July 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Widow’s Offering”

This week as we continue our series on Women of the Bible, we will look at the widow who gave two coins, her only two coins, at the Temple.  This story can be found in Mark 12 and Luke 21… Mark...

June 30, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Rachel & Leah”

This week we are back to our Women of the Bible Series.  Our theme for Sunday’s sermon (June 30th) is Comparison and Competitiveness, based on the story of two sisters, Rachel & Leah.  The scripture we’ll be looking at takes place in Genesis 29...

June 16, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Shiphrah and Pual”

by Pastor Blaine Scripture lesson:  Exodus 1:7-19  (note: this lesson is carved out of a much larger story) 1. Shiphrah and Pual are midwives.  But what exactly does a midwife do? I found this description:      Caring for women during childbirth including...

June 9, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Priscilla & Aguila”

by Paul & Tina Holderman We are enjoying hearing from the variety of people who have been speaking about Women of the Bible. Donna, you will be a hard act to follow, especially the humor!  Well done!  You had so much packed into a 20 minute message. Lots...

May 26, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…The Suffering Woman”

Author: Mariann Martin This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations Dustin gave us to practice what we learned from Naaman’s wife’s Jewish slave girl. What do you need to let go of to experience more freedom in...

May 19, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Jewish Slave Girl”

This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations to practice what we learned from Elizabeth… 1.            Like Elizabeth was to Mary, who can you be a blessing to...

May 5, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Samaritan Woman at the Well”

As we continue our series on Women of the Bible, I want to take a moment and remind you of the invitations from the teaching on Hagar… Can we pray in a way that changes our perspective, not necessarily our situation? Can you reach out to someone who is in the middle...

April 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Hagar”

This email is typically when we look toward the coming Sunday and begin to think about our time together.  With that being the case, I would like to recap the invitation that arose from our teaching on the life of Sarah… 1.            In what ways can you model...

April 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Sarah”

This week we will be looking at the life of Sarah.  Sarah lived a long life and made some mistakes along the way but is mentioned in the Bible more than any other woman.  Does that surprise you? This Sunday I hope we can look at a familiar story with fresh...

April 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Deborah”

Author: Ray Geigley After Moses led the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt and before they had kings to rule them, the people were led by judges. Deborah was one of those judges and the only woman to do so. I hope you can find time to read her full story in both...

April 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Abigail”

With Lent and Easter in our rear-view mirror, we will begin a new series for the next five months… you read that right, the next five months.  Our new series is Women of the Bible. Even though our focus will be on Women of the Bible, this series isn’t just for...

March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday

It is Holy week.  During our time together this past Sunday, I mentioned that Jesus entered Jerusalem four different times during the first Holy Week.  The first time is what we call the Triumphal entry.  Jesus entered the temple “and when he had looked...

March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday

This Sunday known as Palm Sunday; we recognize the moment when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in preparation for the Passover celebration.  The Passover was a defining moment in the story of God’s people in the Old Testament.  The place for that...

March 17, 2024 – Lent #5

Did you ever ask a question, and you didn’t understand the answer?  We have two homeschooled high school students in our home.  There are times when I walk past the kitchen table and whether it is their mom, their online physics teacher, their Bible teacher...

March 10, 2024 – Lent #4

As we continue our journey through Lent, this week we are invited to dwell with these four scriptures… Numbers 21:4–9 Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22 John 3:14–21 Ephesians 2:1–10 In Michele Hershberger’s book, God’s Story Our Story, she writes… “Judgment and grace are flip...

March 3, 2024 – Lent 3

This Sunday will mark the halfway point of Lent this year.  Our theme for this week is… Christ among Us, Showing Us Justice. The scriptures we are invited to dwell with are… Exodus 20:1–17, Psalm 19, John 2:13–22, 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 In Jesus’ day, the temple...

February 25, 2024 – Lent 2

Happy Tuesday, fellow travelers of the Way.  It is the second week of Lent, and we have some powerful scriptures for us this week… Genesis 17:1–17, 15–16 Psalm 22:23–31 Mark 8:31–38 Romans 4:13–25 I invite you to sit with each of these passages this week. ...
Sermon Series: Easter 2021

June 20, 2021 – Interactions with Jesus: Zacchaeus

This Sunday we continue with our series, Interactions with Jesus.    We find ourselves in Luke 19…     Luke 19:1-10                      ...

July 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…. Women of Galilee”

by Lora Roth In the article, “Follow the Women Who Followed Jesus”, author Dr. Holly Carey writes, “If you’re like me, when you hear the word disciples you picture the apostles—the twelve men who were called by Jesus and whose names are listed several times...

July 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Ruth”

by Lydia Tissue Harnish Ruth: A little book, only four chapters long, that illustrates an ancient mandate of how we care for the refugee, orphan, and widow.  From the beginning, the storyteller informs us this is a story about women – women living “in the days when...

July 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Daughters of Zelophehad”

by Anna Ressler This week we'll be looking at the story of Zelophehad’s five daughters (Malah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah) whose bold petition for inheritance resulted in an addition to God’s law for all of the Israelites.  (You can read all about it in Numbers...

July 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Widow’s Offering”

This week as we continue our series on Women of the Bible, we will look at the widow who gave two coins, her only two coins, at the Temple.  This story can be found in Mark 12 and Luke 21… Mark...

June 30, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Rachel & Leah”

This week we are back to our Women of the Bible Series.  Our theme for Sunday’s sermon (June 30th) is Comparison and Competitiveness, based on the story of two sisters, Rachel & Leah.  The scripture we’ll be looking at takes place in Genesis 29...

June 16, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Shiphrah and Pual”

by Pastor Blaine Scripture lesson:  Exodus 1:7-19  (note: this lesson is carved out of a much larger story) 1. Shiphrah and Pual are midwives.  But what exactly does a midwife do? I found this description:      Caring for women during childbirth including...

June 9, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Priscilla & Aguila”

by Paul & Tina Holderman We are enjoying hearing from the variety of people who have been speaking about Women of the Bible. Donna, you will be a hard act to follow, especially the humor!  Well done!  You had so much packed into a 20 minute message. Lots...

May 26, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…The Suffering Woman”

Author: Mariann Martin This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations Dustin gave us to practice what we learned from Naaman’s wife’s Jewish slave girl. What do you need to let go of to experience more freedom in...

May 19, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Jewish Slave Girl”

This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations to practice what we learned from Elizabeth… 1.            Like Elizabeth was to Mary, who can you be a blessing to...

May 5, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Samaritan Woman at the Well”

As we continue our series on Women of the Bible, I want to take a moment and remind you of the invitations from the teaching on Hagar… Can we pray in a way that changes our perspective, not necessarily our situation? Can you reach out to someone who is in the middle...

April 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Hagar”

This email is typically when we look toward the coming Sunday and begin to think about our time together.  With that being the case, I would like to recap the invitation that arose from our teaching on the life of Sarah… 1.            In what ways can you model...

April 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Sarah”

This week we will be looking at the life of Sarah.  Sarah lived a long life and made some mistakes along the way but is mentioned in the Bible more than any other woman.  Does that surprise you? This Sunday I hope we can look at a familiar story with fresh...

April 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Deborah”

Author: Ray Geigley After Moses led the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt and before they had kings to rule them, the people were led by judges. Deborah was one of those judges and the only woman to do so. I hope you can find time to read her full story in both...

April 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Abigail”

With Lent and Easter in our rear-view mirror, we will begin a new series for the next five months… you read that right, the next five months.  Our new series is Women of the Bible. Even though our focus will be on Women of the Bible, this series isn’t just for...

March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday

It is Holy week.  During our time together this past Sunday, I mentioned that Jesus entered Jerusalem four different times during the first Holy Week.  The first time is what we call the Triumphal entry.  Jesus entered the temple “and when he had looked...

March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday

This Sunday known as Palm Sunday; we recognize the moment when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in preparation for the Passover celebration.  The Passover was a defining moment in the story of God’s people in the Old Testament.  The place for that...

March 17, 2024 – Lent #5

Did you ever ask a question, and you didn’t understand the answer?  We have two homeschooled high school students in our home.  There are times when I walk past the kitchen table and whether it is their mom, their online physics teacher, their Bible teacher...

March 10, 2024 – Lent #4

As we continue our journey through Lent, this week we are invited to dwell with these four scriptures… Numbers 21:4–9 Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22 John 3:14–21 Ephesians 2:1–10 In Michele Hershberger’s book, God’s Story Our Story, she writes… “Judgment and grace are flip...

March 3, 2024 – Lent 3

This Sunday will mark the halfway point of Lent this year.  Our theme for this week is… Christ among Us, Showing Us Justice. The scriptures we are invited to dwell with are… Exodus 20:1–17, Psalm 19, John 2:13–22, 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 In Jesus’ day, the temple...

February 25, 2024 – Lent 2

Happy Tuesday, fellow travelers of the Way.  It is the second week of Lent, and we have some powerful scriptures for us this week… Genesis 17:1–17, 15–16 Psalm 22:23–31 Mark 8:31–38 Romans 4:13–25 I invite you to sit with each of these passages this week. ...
Sermon Series: Lent 2021

June 20, 2021 – Interactions with Jesus: Zacchaeus

This Sunday we continue with our series, Interactions with Jesus.    We find ourselves in Luke 19…     Luke 19:1-10                      ...

July 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…. Women of Galilee”

by Lora Roth In the article, “Follow the Women Who Followed Jesus”, author Dr. Holly Carey writes, “If you’re like me, when you hear the word disciples you picture the apostles—the twelve men who were called by Jesus and whose names are listed several times...

July 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Ruth”

by Lydia Tissue Harnish Ruth: A little book, only four chapters long, that illustrates an ancient mandate of how we care for the refugee, orphan, and widow.  From the beginning, the storyteller informs us this is a story about women – women living “in the days when...

July 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Daughters of Zelophehad”

by Anna Ressler This week we'll be looking at the story of Zelophehad’s five daughters (Malah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah) whose bold petition for inheritance resulted in an addition to God’s law for all of the Israelites.  (You can read all about it in Numbers...

July 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Widow’s Offering”

This week as we continue our series on Women of the Bible, we will look at the widow who gave two coins, her only two coins, at the Temple.  This story can be found in Mark 12 and Luke 21… Mark...

June 30, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Rachel & Leah”

This week we are back to our Women of the Bible Series.  Our theme for Sunday’s sermon (June 30th) is Comparison and Competitiveness, based on the story of two sisters, Rachel & Leah.  The scripture we’ll be looking at takes place in Genesis 29...

June 16, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Shiphrah and Pual”

by Pastor Blaine Scripture lesson:  Exodus 1:7-19  (note: this lesson is carved out of a much larger story) 1. Shiphrah and Pual are midwives.  But what exactly does a midwife do? I found this description:      Caring for women during childbirth including...

June 9, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Priscilla & Aguila”

by Paul & Tina Holderman We are enjoying hearing from the variety of people who have been speaking about Women of the Bible. Donna, you will be a hard act to follow, especially the humor!  Well done!  You had so much packed into a 20 minute message. Lots...

May 26, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…The Suffering Woman”

Author: Mariann Martin This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations Dustin gave us to practice what we learned from Naaman’s wife’s Jewish slave girl. What do you need to let go of to experience more freedom in...

May 19, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Jewish Slave Girl”

This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations to practice what we learned from Elizabeth… 1.            Like Elizabeth was to Mary, who can you be a blessing to...

May 5, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Samaritan Woman at the Well”

As we continue our series on Women of the Bible, I want to take a moment and remind you of the invitations from the teaching on Hagar… Can we pray in a way that changes our perspective, not necessarily our situation? Can you reach out to someone who is in the middle...

April 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Hagar”

This email is typically when we look toward the coming Sunday and begin to think about our time together.  With that being the case, I would like to recap the invitation that arose from our teaching on the life of Sarah… 1.            In what ways can you model...

April 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Sarah”

This week we will be looking at the life of Sarah.  Sarah lived a long life and made some mistakes along the way but is mentioned in the Bible more than any other woman.  Does that surprise you? This Sunday I hope we can look at a familiar story with fresh...

April 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Deborah”

Author: Ray Geigley After Moses led the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt and before they had kings to rule them, the people were led by judges. Deborah was one of those judges and the only woman to do so. I hope you can find time to read her full story in both...

April 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Abigail”

With Lent and Easter in our rear-view mirror, we will begin a new series for the next five months… you read that right, the next five months.  Our new series is Women of the Bible. Even though our focus will be on Women of the Bible, this series isn’t just for...

March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday

It is Holy week.  During our time together this past Sunday, I mentioned that Jesus entered Jerusalem four different times during the first Holy Week.  The first time is what we call the Triumphal entry.  Jesus entered the temple “and when he had looked...

March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday

This Sunday known as Palm Sunday; we recognize the moment when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in preparation for the Passover celebration.  The Passover was a defining moment in the story of God’s people in the Old Testament.  The place for that...

March 17, 2024 – Lent #5

Did you ever ask a question, and you didn’t understand the answer?  We have two homeschooled high school students in our home.  There are times when I walk past the kitchen table and whether it is their mom, their online physics teacher, their Bible teacher...

March 10, 2024 – Lent #4

As we continue our journey through Lent, this week we are invited to dwell with these four scriptures… Numbers 21:4–9 Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22 John 3:14–21 Ephesians 2:1–10 In Michele Hershberger’s book, God’s Story Our Story, she writes… “Judgment and grace are flip...

March 3, 2024 – Lent 3

This Sunday will mark the halfway point of Lent this year.  Our theme for this week is… Christ among Us, Showing Us Justice. The scriptures we are invited to dwell with are… Exodus 20:1–17, Psalm 19, John 2:13–22, 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 In Jesus’ day, the temple...

February 25, 2024 – Lent 2

Happy Tuesday, fellow travelers of the Way.  It is the second week of Lent, and we have some powerful scriptures for us this week… Genesis 17:1–17, 15–16 Psalm 22:23–31 Mark 8:31–38 Romans 4:13–25 I invite you to sit with each of these passages this week. ...
Sermon Series: Epiphany 2021

June 20, 2021 – Interactions with Jesus: Zacchaeus

This Sunday we continue with our series, Interactions with Jesus.    We find ourselves in Luke 19…     Luke 19:1-10                      ...

July 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…. Women of Galilee”

by Lora Roth In the article, “Follow the Women Who Followed Jesus”, author Dr. Holly Carey writes, “If you’re like me, when you hear the word disciples you picture the apostles—the twelve men who were called by Jesus and whose names are listed several times...

July 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Ruth”

by Lydia Tissue Harnish Ruth: A little book, only four chapters long, that illustrates an ancient mandate of how we care for the refugee, orphan, and widow.  From the beginning, the storyteller informs us this is a story about women – women living “in the days when...

July 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Daughters of Zelophehad”

by Anna Ressler This week we'll be looking at the story of Zelophehad’s five daughters (Malah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah) whose bold petition for inheritance resulted in an addition to God’s law for all of the Israelites.  (You can read all about it in Numbers...

July 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Widow’s Offering”

This week as we continue our series on Women of the Bible, we will look at the widow who gave two coins, her only two coins, at the Temple.  This story can be found in Mark 12 and Luke 21… Mark...

June 30, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Rachel & Leah”

This week we are back to our Women of the Bible Series.  Our theme for Sunday’s sermon (June 30th) is Comparison and Competitiveness, based on the story of two sisters, Rachel & Leah.  The scripture we’ll be looking at takes place in Genesis 29...

June 16, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Shiphrah and Pual”

by Pastor Blaine Scripture lesson:  Exodus 1:7-19  (note: this lesson is carved out of a much larger story) 1. Shiphrah and Pual are midwives.  But what exactly does a midwife do? I found this description:      Caring for women during childbirth including...

June 9, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Priscilla & Aguila”

by Paul & Tina Holderman We are enjoying hearing from the variety of people who have been speaking about Women of the Bible. Donna, you will be a hard act to follow, especially the humor!  Well done!  You had so much packed into a 20 minute message. Lots...

May 26, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…The Suffering Woman”

Author: Mariann Martin This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations Dustin gave us to practice what we learned from Naaman’s wife’s Jewish slave girl. What do you need to let go of to experience more freedom in...

May 19, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Jewish Slave Girl”

This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations to practice what we learned from Elizabeth… 1.            Like Elizabeth was to Mary, who can you be a blessing to...

May 5, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Samaritan Woman at the Well”

As we continue our series on Women of the Bible, I want to take a moment and remind you of the invitations from the teaching on Hagar… Can we pray in a way that changes our perspective, not necessarily our situation? Can you reach out to someone who is in the middle...

April 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Hagar”

This email is typically when we look toward the coming Sunday and begin to think about our time together.  With that being the case, I would like to recap the invitation that arose from our teaching on the life of Sarah… 1.            In what ways can you model...

April 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Sarah”

This week we will be looking at the life of Sarah.  Sarah lived a long life and made some mistakes along the way but is mentioned in the Bible more than any other woman.  Does that surprise you? This Sunday I hope we can look at a familiar story with fresh...

April 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Deborah”

Author: Ray Geigley After Moses led the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt and before they had kings to rule them, the people were led by judges. Deborah was one of those judges and the only woman to do so. I hope you can find time to read her full story in both...

April 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Abigail”

With Lent and Easter in our rear-view mirror, we will begin a new series for the next five months… you read that right, the next five months.  Our new series is Women of the Bible. Even though our focus will be on Women of the Bible, this series isn’t just for...

March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday

It is Holy week.  During our time together this past Sunday, I mentioned that Jesus entered Jerusalem four different times during the first Holy Week.  The first time is what we call the Triumphal entry.  Jesus entered the temple “and when he had looked...

March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday

This Sunday known as Palm Sunday; we recognize the moment when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in preparation for the Passover celebration.  The Passover was a defining moment in the story of God’s people in the Old Testament.  The place for that...

March 17, 2024 – Lent #5

Did you ever ask a question, and you didn’t understand the answer?  We have two homeschooled high school students in our home.  There are times when I walk past the kitchen table and whether it is their mom, their online physics teacher, their Bible teacher...

March 10, 2024 – Lent #4

As we continue our journey through Lent, this week we are invited to dwell with these four scriptures… Numbers 21:4–9 Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22 John 3:14–21 Ephesians 2:1–10 In Michele Hershberger’s book, God’s Story Our Story, she writes… “Judgment and grace are flip...

March 3, 2024 – Lent 3

This Sunday will mark the halfway point of Lent this year.  Our theme for this week is… Christ among Us, Showing Us Justice. The scriptures we are invited to dwell with are… Exodus 20:1–17, Psalm 19, John 2:13–22, 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 In Jesus’ day, the temple...

February 25, 2024 – Lent 2

Happy Tuesday, fellow travelers of the Way.  It is the second week of Lent, and we have some powerful scriptures for us this week… Genesis 17:1–17, 15–16 Psalm 22:23–31 Mark 8:31–38 Romans 4:13–25 I invite you to sit with each of these passages this week. ...
Sermon Series: Advent 2020

June 20, 2021 – Interactions with Jesus: Zacchaeus

This Sunday we continue with our series, Interactions with Jesus.    We find ourselves in Luke 19…     Luke 19:1-10                      ...

July 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…. Women of Galilee”

by Lora Roth In the article, “Follow the Women Who Followed Jesus”, author Dr. Holly Carey writes, “If you’re like me, when you hear the word disciples you picture the apostles—the twelve men who were called by Jesus and whose names are listed several times...

July 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Ruth”

by Lydia Tissue Harnish Ruth: A little book, only four chapters long, that illustrates an ancient mandate of how we care for the refugee, orphan, and widow.  From the beginning, the storyteller informs us this is a story about women – women living “in the days when...

July 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Daughters of Zelophehad”

by Anna Ressler This week we'll be looking at the story of Zelophehad’s five daughters (Malah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah) whose bold petition for inheritance resulted in an addition to God’s law for all of the Israelites.  (You can read all about it in Numbers...

July 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Widow’s Offering”

This week as we continue our series on Women of the Bible, we will look at the widow who gave two coins, her only two coins, at the Temple.  This story can be found in Mark 12 and Luke 21… Mark...

June 30, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Rachel & Leah”

This week we are back to our Women of the Bible Series.  Our theme for Sunday’s sermon (June 30th) is Comparison and Competitiveness, based on the story of two sisters, Rachel & Leah.  The scripture we’ll be looking at takes place in Genesis 29...

June 16, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Shiphrah and Pual”

by Pastor Blaine Scripture lesson:  Exodus 1:7-19  (note: this lesson is carved out of a much larger story) 1. Shiphrah and Pual are midwives.  But what exactly does a midwife do? I found this description:      Caring for women during childbirth including...

June 9, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Priscilla & Aguila”

by Paul & Tina Holderman We are enjoying hearing from the variety of people who have been speaking about Women of the Bible. Donna, you will be a hard act to follow, especially the humor!  Well done!  You had so much packed into a 20 minute message. Lots...

May 26, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…The Suffering Woman”

Author: Mariann Martin This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations Dustin gave us to practice what we learned from Naaman’s wife’s Jewish slave girl. What do you need to let go of to experience more freedom in...

May 19, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Jewish Slave Girl”

This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations to practice what we learned from Elizabeth… 1.            Like Elizabeth was to Mary, who can you be a blessing to...

May 5, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Samaritan Woman at the Well”

As we continue our series on Women of the Bible, I want to take a moment and remind you of the invitations from the teaching on Hagar… Can we pray in a way that changes our perspective, not necessarily our situation? Can you reach out to someone who is in the middle...

April 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Hagar”

This email is typically when we look toward the coming Sunday and begin to think about our time together.  With that being the case, I would like to recap the invitation that arose from our teaching on the life of Sarah… 1.            In what ways can you model...

April 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Sarah”

This week we will be looking at the life of Sarah.  Sarah lived a long life and made some mistakes along the way but is mentioned in the Bible more than any other woman.  Does that surprise you? This Sunday I hope we can look at a familiar story with fresh...

April 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Deborah”

Author: Ray Geigley After Moses led the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt and before they had kings to rule them, the people were led by judges. Deborah was one of those judges and the only woman to do so. I hope you can find time to read her full story in both...

April 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Abigail”

With Lent and Easter in our rear-view mirror, we will begin a new series for the next five months… you read that right, the next five months.  Our new series is Women of the Bible. Even though our focus will be on Women of the Bible, this series isn’t just for...

March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday

It is Holy week.  During our time together this past Sunday, I mentioned that Jesus entered Jerusalem four different times during the first Holy Week.  The first time is what we call the Triumphal entry.  Jesus entered the temple “and when he had looked...

March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday

This Sunday known as Palm Sunday; we recognize the moment when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in preparation for the Passover celebration.  The Passover was a defining moment in the story of God’s people in the Old Testament.  The place for that...

March 17, 2024 – Lent #5

Did you ever ask a question, and you didn’t understand the answer?  We have two homeschooled high school students in our home.  There are times when I walk past the kitchen table and whether it is their mom, their online physics teacher, their Bible teacher...

March 10, 2024 – Lent #4

As we continue our journey through Lent, this week we are invited to dwell with these four scriptures… Numbers 21:4–9 Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22 John 3:14–21 Ephesians 2:1–10 In Michele Hershberger’s book, God’s Story Our Story, she writes… “Judgment and grace are flip...

March 3, 2024 – Lent 3

This Sunday will mark the halfway point of Lent this year.  Our theme for this week is… Christ among Us, Showing Us Justice. The scriptures we are invited to dwell with are… Exodus 20:1–17, Psalm 19, John 2:13–22, 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 In Jesus’ day, the temple...

February 25, 2024 – Lent 2

Happy Tuesday, fellow travelers of the Way.  It is the second week of Lent, and we have some powerful scriptures for us this week… Genesis 17:1–17, 15–16 Psalm 22:23–31 Mark 8:31–38 Romans 4:13–25 I invite you to sit with each of these passages this week. ...
Sermon Series: Unity in the Community

June 20, 2021 – Interactions with Jesus: Zacchaeus

This Sunday we continue with our series, Interactions with Jesus.    We find ourselves in Luke 19…     Luke 19:1-10                      ...

July 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…. Women of Galilee”

by Lora Roth In the article, “Follow the Women Who Followed Jesus”, author Dr. Holly Carey writes, “If you’re like me, when you hear the word disciples you picture the apostles—the twelve men who were called by Jesus and whose names are listed several times...

July 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Ruth”

by Lydia Tissue Harnish Ruth: A little book, only four chapters long, that illustrates an ancient mandate of how we care for the refugee, orphan, and widow.  From the beginning, the storyteller informs us this is a story about women – women living “in the days when...

July 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Daughters of Zelophehad”

by Anna Ressler This week we'll be looking at the story of Zelophehad’s five daughters (Malah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah) whose bold petition for inheritance resulted in an addition to God’s law for all of the Israelites.  (You can read all about it in Numbers...

July 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Widow’s Offering”

This week as we continue our series on Women of the Bible, we will look at the widow who gave two coins, her only two coins, at the Temple.  This story can be found in Mark 12 and Luke 21… Mark...

June 30, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Rachel & Leah”

This week we are back to our Women of the Bible Series.  Our theme for Sunday’s sermon (June 30th) is Comparison and Competitiveness, based on the story of two sisters, Rachel & Leah.  The scripture we’ll be looking at takes place in Genesis 29...

June 16, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Shiphrah and Pual”

by Pastor Blaine Scripture lesson:  Exodus 1:7-19  (note: this lesson is carved out of a much larger story) 1. Shiphrah and Pual are midwives.  But what exactly does a midwife do? I found this description:      Caring for women during childbirth including...

June 9, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Priscilla & Aguila”

by Paul & Tina Holderman We are enjoying hearing from the variety of people who have been speaking about Women of the Bible. Donna, you will be a hard act to follow, especially the humor!  Well done!  You had so much packed into a 20 minute message. Lots...

May 26, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…The Suffering Woman”

Author: Mariann Martin This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations Dustin gave us to practice what we learned from Naaman’s wife’s Jewish slave girl. What do you need to let go of to experience more freedom in...

May 19, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Jewish Slave Girl”

This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations to practice what we learned from Elizabeth… 1.            Like Elizabeth was to Mary, who can you be a blessing to...

May 5, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Samaritan Woman at the Well”

As we continue our series on Women of the Bible, I want to take a moment and remind you of the invitations from the teaching on Hagar… Can we pray in a way that changes our perspective, not necessarily our situation? Can you reach out to someone who is in the middle...

April 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Hagar”

This email is typically when we look toward the coming Sunday and begin to think about our time together.  With that being the case, I would like to recap the invitation that arose from our teaching on the life of Sarah… 1.            In what ways can you model...

April 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Sarah”

This week we will be looking at the life of Sarah.  Sarah lived a long life and made some mistakes along the way but is mentioned in the Bible more than any other woman.  Does that surprise you? This Sunday I hope we can look at a familiar story with fresh...

April 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Deborah”

Author: Ray Geigley After Moses led the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt and before they had kings to rule them, the people were led by judges. Deborah was one of those judges and the only woman to do so. I hope you can find time to read her full story in both...

April 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Abigail”

With Lent and Easter in our rear-view mirror, we will begin a new series for the next five months… you read that right, the next five months.  Our new series is Women of the Bible. Even though our focus will be on Women of the Bible, this series isn’t just for...

March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday

It is Holy week.  During our time together this past Sunday, I mentioned that Jesus entered Jerusalem four different times during the first Holy Week.  The first time is what we call the Triumphal entry.  Jesus entered the temple “and when he had looked...

March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday

This Sunday known as Palm Sunday; we recognize the moment when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in preparation for the Passover celebration.  The Passover was a defining moment in the story of God’s people in the Old Testament.  The place for that...

March 17, 2024 – Lent #5

Did you ever ask a question, and you didn’t understand the answer?  We have two homeschooled high school students in our home.  There are times when I walk past the kitchen table and whether it is their mom, their online physics teacher, their Bible teacher...

March 10, 2024 – Lent #4

As we continue our journey through Lent, this week we are invited to dwell with these four scriptures… Numbers 21:4–9 Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22 John 3:14–21 Ephesians 2:1–10 In Michele Hershberger’s book, God’s Story Our Story, she writes… “Judgment and grace are flip...

March 3, 2024 – Lent 3

This Sunday will mark the halfway point of Lent this year.  Our theme for this week is… Christ among Us, Showing Us Justice. The scriptures we are invited to dwell with are… Exodus 20:1–17, Psalm 19, John 2:13–22, 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 In Jesus’ day, the temple...

February 25, 2024 – Lent 2

Happy Tuesday, fellow travelers of the Way.  It is the second week of Lent, and we have some powerful scriptures for us this week… Genesis 17:1–17, 15–16 Psalm 22:23–31 Mark 8:31–38 Romans 4:13–25 I invite you to sit with each of these passages this week. ...
Sermon Series: Jesus’ Emotions, (really?)

June 20, 2021 – Interactions with Jesus: Zacchaeus

This Sunday we continue with our series, Interactions with Jesus.    We find ourselves in Luke 19…     Luke 19:1-10                      ...

July 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…. Women of Galilee”

by Lora Roth In the article, “Follow the Women Who Followed Jesus”, author Dr. Holly Carey writes, “If you’re like me, when you hear the word disciples you picture the apostles—the twelve men who were called by Jesus and whose names are listed several times...

July 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Ruth”

by Lydia Tissue Harnish Ruth: A little book, only four chapters long, that illustrates an ancient mandate of how we care for the refugee, orphan, and widow.  From the beginning, the storyteller informs us this is a story about women – women living “in the days when...

July 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Daughters of Zelophehad”

by Anna Ressler This week we'll be looking at the story of Zelophehad’s five daughters (Malah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah) whose bold petition for inheritance resulted in an addition to God’s law for all of the Israelites.  (You can read all about it in Numbers...

July 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Widow’s Offering”

This week as we continue our series on Women of the Bible, we will look at the widow who gave two coins, her only two coins, at the Temple.  This story can be found in Mark 12 and Luke 21… Mark...

June 30, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Rachel & Leah”

This week we are back to our Women of the Bible Series.  Our theme for Sunday’s sermon (June 30th) is Comparison and Competitiveness, based on the story of two sisters, Rachel & Leah.  The scripture we’ll be looking at takes place in Genesis 29...

June 16, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Shiphrah and Pual”

by Pastor Blaine Scripture lesson:  Exodus 1:7-19  (note: this lesson is carved out of a much larger story) 1. Shiphrah and Pual are midwives.  But what exactly does a midwife do? I found this description:      Caring for women during childbirth including...

June 9, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Priscilla & Aguila”

by Paul & Tina Holderman We are enjoying hearing from the variety of people who have been speaking about Women of the Bible. Donna, you will be a hard act to follow, especially the humor!  Well done!  You had so much packed into a 20 minute message. Lots...

May 26, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…The Suffering Woman”

Author: Mariann Martin This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations Dustin gave us to practice what we learned from Naaman’s wife’s Jewish slave girl. What do you need to let go of to experience more freedom in...

May 19, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Jewish Slave Girl”

This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations to practice what we learned from Elizabeth… 1.            Like Elizabeth was to Mary, who can you be a blessing to...

May 5, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Samaritan Woman at the Well”

As we continue our series on Women of the Bible, I want to take a moment and remind you of the invitations from the teaching on Hagar… Can we pray in a way that changes our perspective, not necessarily our situation? Can you reach out to someone who is in the middle...

April 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Hagar”

This email is typically when we look toward the coming Sunday and begin to think about our time together.  With that being the case, I would like to recap the invitation that arose from our teaching on the life of Sarah… 1.            In what ways can you model...

April 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Sarah”

This week we will be looking at the life of Sarah.  Sarah lived a long life and made some mistakes along the way but is mentioned in the Bible more than any other woman.  Does that surprise you? This Sunday I hope we can look at a familiar story with fresh...

April 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Deborah”

Author: Ray Geigley After Moses led the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt and before they had kings to rule them, the people were led by judges. Deborah was one of those judges and the only woman to do so. I hope you can find time to read her full story in both...

April 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Abigail”

With Lent and Easter in our rear-view mirror, we will begin a new series for the next five months… you read that right, the next five months.  Our new series is Women of the Bible. Even though our focus will be on Women of the Bible, this series isn’t just for...

March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday

It is Holy week.  During our time together this past Sunday, I mentioned that Jesus entered Jerusalem four different times during the first Holy Week.  The first time is what we call the Triumphal entry.  Jesus entered the temple “and when he had looked...

March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday

This Sunday known as Palm Sunday; we recognize the moment when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in preparation for the Passover celebration.  The Passover was a defining moment in the story of God’s people in the Old Testament.  The place for that...

March 17, 2024 – Lent #5

Did you ever ask a question, and you didn’t understand the answer?  We have two homeschooled high school students in our home.  There are times when I walk past the kitchen table and whether it is their mom, their online physics teacher, their Bible teacher...

March 10, 2024 – Lent #4

As we continue our journey through Lent, this week we are invited to dwell with these four scriptures… Numbers 21:4–9 Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22 John 3:14–21 Ephesians 2:1–10 In Michele Hershberger’s book, God’s Story Our Story, she writes… “Judgment and grace are flip...

March 3, 2024 – Lent 3

This Sunday will mark the halfway point of Lent this year.  Our theme for this week is… Christ among Us, Showing Us Justice. The scriptures we are invited to dwell with are… Exodus 20:1–17, Psalm 19, John 2:13–22, 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 In Jesus’ day, the temple...

February 25, 2024 – Lent 2

Happy Tuesday, fellow travelers of the Way.  It is the second week of Lent, and we have some powerful scriptures for us this week… Genesis 17:1–17, 15–16 Psalm 22:23–31 Mark 8:31–38 Romans 4:13–25 I invite you to sit with each of these passages this week. ...
Sermon Series: Pentecost 2020

June 20, 2021 – Interactions with Jesus: Zacchaeus

This Sunday we continue with our series, Interactions with Jesus.    We find ourselves in Luke 19…     Luke 19:1-10                      ...

July 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…. Women of Galilee”

by Lora Roth In the article, “Follow the Women Who Followed Jesus”, author Dr. Holly Carey writes, “If you’re like me, when you hear the word disciples you picture the apostles—the twelve men who were called by Jesus and whose names are listed several times...

July 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Ruth”

by Lydia Tissue Harnish Ruth: A little book, only four chapters long, that illustrates an ancient mandate of how we care for the refugee, orphan, and widow.  From the beginning, the storyteller informs us this is a story about women – women living “in the days when...

July 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Daughters of Zelophehad”

by Anna Ressler This week we'll be looking at the story of Zelophehad’s five daughters (Malah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah) whose bold petition for inheritance resulted in an addition to God’s law for all of the Israelites.  (You can read all about it in Numbers...

July 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Widow’s Offering”

This week as we continue our series on Women of the Bible, we will look at the widow who gave two coins, her only two coins, at the Temple.  This story can be found in Mark 12 and Luke 21… Mark...

June 30, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Rachel & Leah”

This week we are back to our Women of the Bible Series.  Our theme for Sunday’s sermon (June 30th) is Comparison and Competitiveness, based on the story of two sisters, Rachel & Leah.  The scripture we’ll be looking at takes place in Genesis 29...

June 16, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Shiphrah and Pual”

by Pastor Blaine Scripture lesson:  Exodus 1:7-19  (note: this lesson is carved out of a much larger story) 1. Shiphrah and Pual are midwives.  But what exactly does a midwife do? I found this description:      Caring for women during childbirth including...

June 9, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Priscilla & Aguila”

by Paul & Tina Holderman We are enjoying hearing from the variety of people who have been speaking about Women of the Bible. Donna, you will be a hard act to follow, especially the humor!  Well done!  You had so much packed into a 20 minute message. Lots...

May 26, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…The Suffering Woman”

Author: Mariann Martin This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations Dustin gave us to practice what we learned from Naaman’s wife’s Jewish slave girl. What do you need to let go of to experience more freedom in...

May 19, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Jewish Slave Girl”

This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations to practice what we learned from Elizabeth… 1.            Like Elizabeth was to Mary, who can you be a blessing to...

May 5, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Samaritan Woman at the Well”

As we continue our series on Women of the Bible, I want to take a moment and remind you of the invitations from the teaching on Hagar… Can we pray in a way that changes our perspective, not necessarily our situation? Can you reach out to someone who is in the middle...

April 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Hagar”

This email is typically when we look toward the coming Sunday and begin to think about our time together.  With that being the case, I would like to recap the invitation that arose from our teaching on the life of Sarah… 1.            In what ways can you model...

April 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Sarah”

This week we will be looking at the life of Sarah.  Sarah lived a long life and made some mistakes along the way but is mentioned in the Bible more than any other woman.  Does that surprise you? This Sunday I hope we can look at a familiar story with fresh...

April 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Deborah”

Author: Ray Geigley After Moses led the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt and before they had kings to rule them, the people were led by judges. Deborah was one of those judges and the only woman to do so. I hope you can find time to read her full story in both...

April 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Abigail”

With Lent and Easter in our rear-view mirror, we will begin a new series for the next five months… you read that right, the next five months.  Our new series is Women of the Bible. Even though our focus will be on Women of the Bible, this series isn’t just for...

March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday

It is Holy week.  During our time together this past Sunday, I mentioned that Jesus entered Jerusalem four different times during the first Holy Week.  The first time is what we call the Triumphal entry.  Jesus entered the temple “and when he had looked...

March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday

This Sunday known as Palm Sunday; we recognize the moment when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in preparation for the Passover celebration.  The Passover was a defining moment in the story of God’s people in the Old Testament.  The place for that...

March 17, 2024 – Lent #5

Did you ever ask a question, and you didn’t understand the answer?  We have two homeschooled high school students in our home.  There are times when I walk past the kitchen table and whether it is their mom, their online physics teacher, their Bible teacher...

March 10, 2024 – Lent #4

As we continue our journey through Lent, this week we are invited to dwell with these four scriptures… Numbers 21:4–9 Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22 John 3:14–21 Ephesians 2:1–10 In Michele Hershberger’s book, God’s Story Our Story, she writes… “Judgment and grace are flip...

March 3, 2024 – Lent 3

This Sunday will mark the halfway point of Lent this year.  Our theme for this week is… Christ among Us, Showing Us Justice. The scriptures we are invited to dwell with are… Exodus 20:1–17, Psalm 19, John 2:13–22, 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 In Jesus’ day, the temple...

February 25, 2024 – Lent 2

Happy Tuesday, fellow travelers of the Way.  It is the second week of Lent, and we have some powerful scriptures for us this week… Genesis 17:1–17, 15–16 Psalm 22:23–31 Mark 8:31–38 Romans 4:13–25 I invite you to sit with each of these passages this week. ...
Sermon Series: Easter 2020

June 20, 2021 – Interactions with Jesus: Zacchaeus

This Sunday we continue with our series, Interactions with Jesus.    We find ourselves in Luke 19…     Luke 19:1-10                      ...

July 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…. Women of Galilee”

by Lora Roth In the article, “Follow the Women Who Followed Jesus”, author Dr. Holly Carey writes, “If you’re like me, when you hear the word disciples you picture the apostles—the twelve men who were called by Jesus and whose names are listed several times...

July 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Ruth”

by Lydia Tissue Harnish Ruth: A little book, only four chapters long, that illustrates an ancient mandate of how we care for the refugee, orphan, and widow.  From the beginning, the storyteller informs us this is a story about women – women living “in the days when...

July 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Daughters of Zelophehad”

by Anna Ressler This week we'll be looking at the story of Zelophehad’s five daughters (Malah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah) whose bold petition for inheritance resulted in an addition to God’s law for all of the Israelites.  (You can read all about it in Numbers...

July 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Widow’s Offering”

This week as we continue our series on Women of the Bible, we will look at the widow who gave two coins, her only two coins, at the Temple.  This story can be found in Mark 12 and Luke 21… Mark...

June 30, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Rachel & Leah”

This week we are back to our Women of the Bible Series.  Our theme for Sunday’s sermon (June 30th) is Comparison and Competitiveness, based on the story of two sisters, Rachel & Leah.  The scripture we’ll be looking at takes place in Genesis 29...

June 16, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Shiphrah and Pual”

by Pastor Blaine Scripture lesson:  Exodus 1:7-19  (note: this lesson is carved out of a much larger story) 1. Shiphrah and Pual are midwives.  But what exactly does a midwife do? I found this description:      Caring for women during childbirth including...

June 9, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Priscilla & Aguila”

by Paul & Tina Holderman We are enjoying hearing from the variety of people who have been speaking about Women of the Bible. Donna, you will be a hard act to follow, especially the humor!  Well done!  You had so much packed into a 20 minute message. Lots...

May 26, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…The Suffering Woman”

Author: Mariann Martin This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations Dustin gave us to practice what we learned from Naaman’s wife’s Jewish slave girl. What do you need to let go of to experience more freedom in...

May 19, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Jewish Slave Girl”

This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations to practice what we learned from Elizabeth… 1.            Like Elizabeth was to Mary, who can you be a blessing to...

May 5, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Samaritan Woman at the Well”

As we continue our series on Women of the Bible, I want to take a moment and remind you of the invitations from the teaching on Hagar… Can we pray in a way that changes our perspective, not necessarily our situation? Can you reach out to someone who is in the middle...

April 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Hagar”

This email is typically when we look toward the coming Sunday and begin to think about our time together.  With that being the case, I would like to recap the invitation that arose from our teaching on the life of Sarah… 1.            In what ways can you model...

April 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Sarah”

This week we will be looking at the life of Sarah.  Sarah lived a long life and made some mistakes along the way but is mentioned in the Bible more than any other woman.  Does that surprise you? This Sunday I hope we can look at a familiar story with fresh...

April 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Deborah”

Author: Ray Geigley After Moses led the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt and before they had kings to rule them, the people were led by judges. Deborah was one of those judges and the only woman to do so. I hope you can find time to read her full story in both...

April 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Abigail”

With Lent and Easter in our rear-view mirror, we will begin a new series for the next five months… you read that right, the next five months.  Our new series is Women of the Bible. Even though our focus will be on Women of the Bible, this series isn’t just for...

March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday

It is Holy week.  During our time together this past Sunday, I mentioned that Jesus entered Jerusalem four different times during the first Holy Week.  The first time is what we call the Triumphal entry.  Jesus entered the temple “and when he had looked...

March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday

This Sunday known as Palm Sunday; we recognize the moment when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in preparation for the Passover celebration.  The Passover was a defining moment in the story of God’s people in the Old Testament.  The place for that...

March 17, 2024 – Lent #5

Did you ever ask a question, and you didn’t understand the answer?  We have two homeschooled high school students in our home.  There are times when I walk past the kitchen table and whether it is their mom, their online physics teacher, their Bible teacher...

March 10, 2024 – Lent #4

As we continue our journey through Lent, this week we are invited to dwell with these four scriptures… Numbers 21:4–9 Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22 John 3:14–21 Ephesians 2:1–10 In Michele Hershberger’s book, God’s Story Our Story, she writes… “Judgment and grace are flip...

March 3, 2024 – Lent 3

This Sunday will mark the halfway point of Lent this year.  Our theme for this week is… Christ among Us, Showing Us Justice. The scriptures we are invited to dwell with are… Exodus 20:1–17, Psalm 19, John 2:13–22, 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 In Jesus’ day, the temple...

February 25, 2024 – Lent 2

Happy Tuesday, fellow travelers of the Way.  It is the second week of Lent, and we have some powerful scriptures for us this week… Genesis 17:1–17, 15–16 Psalm 22:23–31 Mark 8:31–38 Romans 4:13–25 I invite you to sit with each of these passages this week. ...
Sermon Series: Lent 2020

June 20, 2021 – Interactions with Jesus: Zacchaeus

This Sunday we continue with our series, Interactions with Jesus.    We find ourselves in Luke 19…     Luke 19:1-10                      ...

July 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…. Women of Galilee”

by Lora Roth In the article, “Follow the Women Who Followed Jesus”, author Dr. Holly Carey writes, “If you’re like me, when you hear the word disciples you picture the apostles—the twelve men who were called by Jesus and whose names are listed several times...

July 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Ruth”

by Lydia Tissue Harnish Ruth: A little book, only four chapters long, that illustrates an ancient mandate of how we care for the refugee, orphan, and widow.  From the beginning, the storyteller informs us this is a story about women – women living “in the days when...

July 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Daughters of Zelophehad”

by Anna Ressler This week we'll be looking at the story of Zelophehad’s five daughters (Malah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah) whose bold petition for inheritance resulted in an addition to God’s law for all of the Israelites.  (You can read all about it in Numbers...

July 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Widow’s Offering”

This week as we continue our series on Women of the Bible, we will look at the widow who gave two coins, her only two coins, at the Temple.  This story can be found in Mark 12 and Luke 21… Mark...

June 30, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Rachel & Leah”

This week we are back to our Women of the Bible Series.  Our theme for Sunday’s sermon (June 30th) is Comparison and Competitiveness, based on the story of two sisters, Rachel & Leah.  The scripture we’ll be looking at takes place in Genesis 29...

June 16, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Shiphrah and Pual”

by Pastor Blaine Scripture lesson:  Exodus 1:7-19  (note: this lesson is carved out of a much larger story) 1. Shiphrah and Pual are midwives.  But what exactly does a midwife do? I found this description:      Caring for women during childbirth including...

June 9, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Priscilla & Aguila”

by Paul & Tina Holderman We are enjoying hearing from the variety of people who have been speaking about Women of the Bible. Donna, you will be a hard act to follow, especially the humor!  Well done!  You had so much packed into a 20 minute message. Lots...

May 26, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…The Suffering Woman”

Author: Mariann Martin This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations Dustin gave us to practice what we learned from Naaman’s wife’s Jewish slave girl. What do you need to let go of to experience more freedom in...

May 19, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Jewish Slave Girl”

This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations to practice what we learned from Elizabeth… 1.            Like Elizabeth was to Mary, who can you be a blessing to...

May 5, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Samaritan Woman at the Well”

As we continue our series on Women of the Bible, I want to take a moment and remind you of the invitations from the teaching on Hagar… Can we pray in a way that changes our perspective, not necessarily our situation? Can you reach out to someone who is in the middle...

April 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Hagar”

This email is typically when we look toward the coming Sunday and begin to think about our time together.  With that being the case, I would like to recap the invitation that arose from our teaching on the life of Sarah… 1.            In what ways can you model...

April 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Sarah”

This week we will be looking at the life of Sarah.  Sarah lived a long life and made some mistakes along the way but is mentioned in the Bible more than any other woman.  Does that surprise you? This Sunday I hope we can look at a familiar story with fresh...

April 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Deborah”

Author: Ray Geigley After Moses led the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt and before they had kings to rule them, the people were led by judges. Deborah was one of those judges and the only woman to do so. I hope you can find time to read her full story in both...

April 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Abigail”

With Lent and Easter in our rear-view mirror, we will begin a new series for the next five months… you read that right, the next five months.  Our new series is Women of the Bible. Even though our focus will be on Women of the Bible, this series isn’t just for...

March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday

It is Holy week.  During our time together this past Sunday, I mentioned that Jesus entered Jerusalem four different times during the first Holy Week.  The first time is what we call the Triumphal entry.  Jesus entered the temple “and when he had looked...

March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday

This Sunday known as Palm Sunday; we recognize the moment when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in preparation for the Passover celebration.  The Passover was a defining moment in the story of God’s people in the Old Testament.  The place for that...

March 17, 2024 – Lent #5

Did you ever ask a question, and you didn’t understand the answer?  We have two homeschooled high school students in our home.  There are times when I walk past the kitchen table and whether it is their mom, their online physics teacher, their Bible teacher...

March 10, 2024 – Lent #4

As we continue our journey through Lent, this week we are invited to dwell with these four scriptures… Numbers 21:4–9 Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22 John 3:14–21 Ephesians 2:1–10 In Michele Hershberger’s book, God’s Story Our Story, she writes… “Judgment and grace are flip...

March 3, 2024 – Lent 3

This Sunday will mark the halfway point of Lent this year.  Our theme for this week is… Christ among Us, Showing Us Justice. The scriptures we are invited to dwell with are… Exodus 20:1–17, Psalm 19, John 2:13–22, 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 In Jesus’ day, the temple...

February 25, 2024 – Lent 2

Happy Tuesday, fellow travelers of the Way.  It is the second week of Lent, and we have some powerful scriptures for us this week… Genesis 17:1–17, 15–16 Psalm 22:23–31 Mark 8:31–38 Romans 4:13–25 I invite you to sit with each of these passages this week. ...
Sermon Series: Epiphany 2020

June 20, 2021 – Interactions with Jesus: Zacchaeus

This Sunday we continue with our series, Interactions with Jesus.    We find ourselves in Luke 19…     Luke 19:1-10                      ...

July 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…. Women of Galilee”

by Lora Roth In the article, “Follow the Women Who Followed Jesus”, author Dr. Holly Carey writes, “If you’re like me, when you hear the word disciples you picture the apostles—the twelve men who were called by Jesus and whose names are listed several times...

July 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Ruth”

by Lydia Tissue Harnish Ruth: A little book, only four chapters long, that illustrates an ancient mandate of how we care for the refugee, orphan, and widow.  From the beginning, the storyteller informs us this is a story about women – women living “in the days when...

July 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Daughters of Zelophehad”

by Anna Ressler This week we'll be looking at the story of Zelophehad’s five daughters (Malah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah) whose bold petition for inheritance resulted in an addition to God’s law for all of the Israelites.  (You can read all about it in Numbers...

July 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Widow’s Offering”

This week as we continue our series on Women of the Bible, we will look at the widow who gave two coins, her only two coins, at the Temple.  This story can be found in Mark 12 and Luke 21… Mark...

June 30, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Rachel & Leah”

This week we are back to our Women of the Bible Series.  Our theme for Sunday’s sermon (June 30th) is Comparison and Competitiveness, based on the story of two sisters, Rachel & Leah.  The scripture we’ll be looking at takes place in Genesis 29...

June 16, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Shiphrah and Pual”

by Pastor Blaine Scripture lesson:  Exodus 1:7-19  (note: this lesson is carved out of a much larger story) 1. Shiphrah and Pual are midwives.  But what exactly does a midwife do? I found this description:      Caring for women during childbirth including...

June 9, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Priscilla & Aguila”

by Paul & Tina Holderman We are enjoying hearing from the variety of people who have been speaking about Women of the Bible. Donna, you will be a hard act to follow, especially the humor!  Well done!  You had so much packed into a 20 minute message. Lots...

May 26, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…The Suffering Woman”

Author: Mariann Martin This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations Dustin gave us to practice what we learned from Naaman’s wife’s Jewish slave girl. What do you need to let go of to experience more freedom in...

May 19, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Jewish Slave Girl”

This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations to practice what we learned from Elizabeth… 1.            Like Elizabeth was to Mary, who can you be a blessing to...

May 5, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Samaritan Woman at the Well”

As we continue our series on Women of the Bible, I want to take a moment and remind you of the invitations from the teaching on Hagar… Can we pray in a way that changes our perspective, not necessarily our situation? Can you reach out to someone who is in the middle...

April 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Hagar”

This email is typically when we look toward the coming Sunday and begin to think about our time together.  With that being the case, I would like to recap the invitation that arose from our teaching on the life of Sarah… 1.            In what ways can you model...

April 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Sarah”

This week we will be looking at the life of Sarah.  Sarah lived a long life and made some mistakes along the way but is mentioned in the Bible more than any other woman.  Does that surprise you? This Sunday I hope we can look at a familiar story with fresh...

April 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Deborah”

Author: Ray Geigley After Moses led the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt and before they had kings to rule them, the people were led by judges. Deborah was one of those judges and the only woman to do so. I hope you can find time to read her full story in both...

April 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Abigail”

With Lent and Easter in our rear-view mirror, we will begin a new series for the next five months… you read that right, the next five months.  Our new series is Women of the Bible. Even though our focus will be on Women of the Bible, this series isn’t just for...

March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday

It is Holy week.  During our time together this past Sunday, I mentioned that Jesus entered Jerusalem four different times during the first Holy Week.  The first time is what we call the Triumphal entry.  Jesus entered the temple “and when he had looked...

March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday

This Sunday known as Palm Sunday; we recognize the moment when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in preparation for the Passover celebration.  The Passover was a defining moment in the story of God’s people in the Old Testament.  The place for that...

March 17, 2024 – Lent #5

Did you ever ask a question, and you didn’t understand the answer?  We have two homeschooled high school students in our home.  There are times when I walk past the kitchen table and whether it is their mom, their online physics teacher, their Bible teacher...

March 10, 2024 – Lent #4

As we continue our journey through Lent, this week we are invited to dwell with these four scriptures… Numbers 21:4–9 Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22 John 3:14–21 Ephesians 2:1–10 In Michele Hershberger’s book, God’s Story Our Story, she writes… “Judgment and grace are flip...

March 3, 2024 – Lent 3

This Sunday will mark the halfway point of Lent this year.  Our theme for this week is… Christ among Us, Showing Us Justice. The scriptures we are invited to dwell with are… Exodus 20:1–17, Psalm 19, John 2:13–22, 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 In Jesus’ day, the temple...

February 25, 2024 – Lent 2

Happy Tuesday, fellow travelers of the Way.  It is the second week of Lent, and we have some powerful scriptures for us this week… Genesis 17:1–17, 15–16 Psalm 22:23–31 Mark 8:31–38 Romans 4:13–25 I invite you to sit with each of these passages this week. ...
Sermon Series: Advent 2019

June 20, 2021 – Interactions with Jesus: Zacchaeus

This Sunday we continue with our series, Interactions with Jesus.    We find ourselves in Luke 19…     Luke 19:1-10                      ...

July 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…. Women of Galilee”

by Lora Roth In the article, “Follow the Women Who Followed Jesus”, author Dr. Holly Carey writes, “If you’re like me, when you hear the word disciples you picture the apostles—the twelve men who were called by Jesus and whose names are listed several times...

July 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Ruth”

by Lydia Tissue Harnish Ruth: A little book, only four chapters long, that illustrates an ancient mandate of how we care for the refugee, orphan, and widow.  From the beginning, the storyteller informs us this is a story about women – women living “in the days when...

July 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Daughters of Zelophehad”

by Anna Ressler This week we'll be looking at the story of Zelophehad’s five daughters (Malah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah) whose bold petition for inheritance resulted in an addition to God’s law for all of the Israelites.  (You can read all about it in Numbers...

July 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Widow’s Offering”

This week as we continue our series on Women of the Bible, we will look at the widow who gave two coins, her only two coins, at the Temple.  This story can be found in Mark 12 and Luke 21… Mark...

June 30, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Rachel & Leah”

This week we are back to our Women of the Bible Series.  Our theme for Sunday’s sermon (June 30th) is Comparison and Competitiveness, based on the story of two sisters, Rachel & Leah.  The scripture we’ll be looking at takes place in Genesis 29...

June 16, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Shiphrah and Pual”

by Pastor Blaine Scripture lesson:  Exodus 1:7-19  (note: this lesson is carved out of a much larger story) 1. Shiphrah and Pual are midwives.  But what exactly does a midwife do? I found this description:      Caring for women during childbirth including...

June 9, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Priscilla & Aguila”

by Paul & Tina Holderman We are enjoying hearing from the variety of people who have been speaking about Women of the Bible. Donna, you will be a hard act to follow, especially the humor!  Well done!  You had so much packed into a 20 minute message. Lots...

May 26, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…The Suffering Woman”

Author: Mariann Martin This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations Dustin gave us to practice what we learned from Naaman’s wife’s Jewish slave girl. What do you need to let go of to experience more freedom in...

May 19, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Jewish Slave Girl”

This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations to practice what we learned from Elizabeth… 1.            Like Elizabeth was to Mary, who can you be a blessing to...

May 5, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Samaritan Woman at the Well”

As we continue our series on Women of the Bible, I want to take a moment and remind you of the invitations from the teaching on Hagar… Can we pray in a way that changes our perspective, not necessarily our situation? Can you reach out to someone who is in the middle...

April 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Hagar”

This email is typically when we look toward the coming Sunday and begin to think about our time together.  With that being the case, I would like to recap the invitation that arose from our teaching on the life of Sarah… 1.            In what ways can you model...

April 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Sarah”

This week we will be looking at the life of Sarah.  Sarah lived a long life and made some mistakes along the way but is mentioned in the Bible more than any other woman.  Does that surprise you? This Sunday I hope we can look at a familiar story with fresh...

April 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Deborah”

Author: Ray Geigley After Moses led the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt and before they had kings to rule them, the people were led by judges. Deborah was one of those judges and the only woman to do so. I hope you can find time to read her full story in both...

April 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Abigail”

With Lent and Easter in our rear-view mirror, we will begin a new series for the next five months… you read that right, the next five months.  Our new series is Women of the Bible. Even though our focus will be on Women of the Bible, this series isn’t just for...

March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday

It is Holy week.  During our time together this past Sunday, I mentioned that Jesus entered Jerusalem four different times during the first Holy Week.  The first time is what we call the Triumphal entry.  Jesus entered the temple “and when he had looked...

March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday

This Sunday known as Palm Sunday; we recognize the moment when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in preparation for the Passover celebration.  The Passover was a defining moment in the story of God’s people in the Old Testament.  The place for that...

March 17, 2024 – Lent #5

Did you ever ask a question, and you didn’t understand the answer?  We have two homeschooled high school students in our home.  There are times when I walk past the kitchen table and whether it is their mom, their online physics teacher, their Bible teacher...

March 10, 2024 – Lent #4

As we continue our journey through Lent, this week we are invited to dwell with these four scriptures… Numbers 21:4–9 Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22 John 3:14–21 Ephesians 2:1–10 In Michele Hershberger’s book, God’s Story Our Story, she writes… “Judgment and grace are flip...

March 3, 2024 – Lent 3

This Sunday will mark the halfway point of Lent this year.  Our theme for this week is… Christ among Us, Showing Us Justice. The scriptures we are invited to dwell with are… Exodus 20:1–17, Psalm 19, John 2:13–22, 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 In Jesus’ day, the temple...

February 25, 2024 – Lent 2

Happy Tuesday, fellow travelers of the Way.  It is the second week of Lent, and we have some powerful scriptures for us this week… Genesis 17:1–17, 15–16 Psalm 22:23–31 Mark 8:31–38 Romans 4:13–25 I invite you to sit with each of these passages this week. ...
Sermon Series: A Community Rooted in Christ

June 20, 2021 – Interactions with Jesus: Zacchaeus

This Sunday we continue with our series, Interactions with Jesus.    We find ourselves in Luke 19…     Luke 19:1-10                      ...

July 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…. Women of Galilee”

by Lora Roth In the article, “Follow the Women Who Followed Jesus”, author Dr. Holly Carey writes, “If you’re like me, when you hear the word disciples you picture the apostles—the twelve men who were called by Jesus and whose names are listed several times...

July 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Ruth”

by Lydia Tissue Harnish Ruth: A little book, only four chapters long, that illustrates an ancient mandate of how we care for the refugee, orphan, and widow.  From the beginning, the storyteller informs us this is a story about women – women living “in the days when...

July 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Daughters of Zelophehad”

by Anna Ressler This week we'll be looking at the story of Zelophehad’s five daughters (Malah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah) whose bold petition for inheritance resulted in an addition to God’s law for all of the Israelites.  (You can read all about it in Numbers...

July 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Widow’s Offering”

This week as we continue our series on Women of the Bible, we will look at the widow who gave two coins, her only two coins, at the Temple.  This story can be found in Mark 12 and Luke 21… Mark...

June 30, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Rachel & Leah”

This week we are back to our Women of the Bible Series.  Our theme for Sunday’s sermon (June 30th) is Comparison and Competitiveness, based on the story of two sisters, Rachel & Leah.  The scripture we’ll be looking at takes place in Genesis 29...

June 16, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Shiphrah and Pual”

by Pastor Blaine Scripture lesson:  Exodus 1:7-19  (note: this lesson is carved out of a much larger story) 1. Shiphrah and Pual are midwives.  But what exactly does a midwife do? I found this description:      Caring for women during childbirth including...

June 9, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Priscilla & Aguila”

by Paul & Tina Holderman We are enjoying hearing from the variety of people who have been speaking about Women of the Bible. Donna, you will be a hard act to follow, especially the humor!  Well done!  You had so much packed into a 20 minute message. Lots...

May 26, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…The Suffering Woman”

Author: Mariann Martin This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations Dustin gave us to practice what we learned from Naaman’s wife’s Jewish slave girl. What do you need to let go of to experience more freedom in...

May 19, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Jewish Slave Girl”

This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations to practice what we learned from Elizabeth… 1.            Like Elizabeth was to Mary, who can you be a blessing to...

May 5, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Samaritan Woman at the Well”

As we continue our series on Women of the Bible, I want to take a moment and remind you of the invitations from the teaching on Hagar… Can we pray in a way that changes our perspective, not necessarily our situation? Can you reach out to someone who is in the middle...

April 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Hagar”

This email is typically when we look toward the coming Sunday and begin to think about our time together.  With that being the case, I would like to recap the invitation that arose from our teaching on the life of Sarah… 1.            In what ways can you model...

April 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Sarah”

This week we will be looking at the life of Sarah.  Sarah lived a long life and made some mistakes along the way but is mentioned in the Bible more than any other woman.  Does that surprise you? This Sunday I hope we can look at a familiar story with fresh...

April 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Deborah”

Author: Ray Geigley After Moses led the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt and before they had kings to rule them, the people were led by judges. Deborah was one of those judges and the only woman to do so. I hope you can find time to read her full story in both...

April 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Abigail”

With Lent and Easter in our rear-view mirror, we will begin a new series for the next five months… you read that right, the next five months.  Our new series is Women of the Bible. Even though our focus will be on Women of the Bible, this series isn’t just for...

March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday

It is Holy week.  During our time together this past Sunday, I mentioned that Jesus entered Jerusalem four different times during the first Holy Week.  The first time is what we call the Triumphal entry.  Jesus entered the temple “and when he had looked...

March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday

This Sunday known as Palm Sunday; we recognize the moment when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in preparation for the Passover celebration.  The Passover was a defining moment in the story of God’s people in the Old Testament.  The place for that...

March 17, 2024 – Lent #5

Did you ever ask a question, and you didn’t understand the answer?  We have two homeschooled high school students in our home.  There are times when I walk past the kitchen table and whether it is their mom, their online physics teacher, their Bible teacher...

March 10, 2024 – Lent #4

As we continue our journey through Lent, this week we are invited to dwell with these four scriptures… Numbers 21:4–9 Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22 John 3:14–21 Ephesians 2:1–10 In Michele Hershberger’s book, God’s Story Our Story, she writes… “Judgment and grace are flip...

March 3, 2024 – Lent 3

This Sunday will mark the halfway point of Lent this year.  Our theme for this week is… Christ among Us, Showing Us Justice. The scriptures we are invited to dwell with are… Exodus 20:1–17, Psalm 19, John 2:13–22, 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 In Jesus’ day, the temple...

February 25, 2024 – Lent 2

Happy Tuesday, fellow travelers of the Way.  It is the second week of Lent, and we have some powerful scriptures for us this week… Genesis 17:1–17, 15–16 Psalm 22:23–31 Mark 8:31–38 Romans 4:13–25 I invite you to sit with each of these passages this week. ...
Sermon Series: Love

June 20, 2021 – Interactions with Jesus: Zacchaeus

This Sunday we continue with our series, Interactions with Jesus.    We find ourselves in Luke 19…     Luke 19:1-10                      ...

July 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…. Women of Galilee”

by Lora Roth In the article, “Follow the Women Who Followed Jesus”, author Dr. Holly Carey writes, “If you’re like me, when you hear the word disciples you picture the apostles—the twelve men who were called by Jesus and whose names are listed several times...

July 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Ruth”

by Lydia Tissue Harnish Ruth: A little book, only four chapters long, that illustrates an ancient mandate of how we care for the refugee, orphan, and widow.  From the beginning, the storyteller informs us this is a story about women – women living “in the days when...

July 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Daughters of Zelophehad”

by Anna Ressler This week we'll be looking at the story of Zelophehad’s five daughters (Malah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah) whose bold petition for inheritance resulted in an addition to God’s law for all of the Israelites.  (You can read all about it in Numbers...

July 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Widow’s Offering”

This week as we continue our series on Women of the Bible, we will look at the widow who gave two coins, her only two coins, at the Temple.  This story can be found in Mark 12 and Luke 21… Mark...

June 30, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Rachel & Leah”

This week we are back to our Women of the Bible Series.  Our theme for Sunday’s sermon (June 30th) is Comparison and Competitiveness, based on the story of two sisters, Rachel & Leah.  The scripture we’ll be looking at takes place in Genesis 29...

June 16, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Shiphrah and Pual”

by Pastor Blaine Scripture lesson:  Exodus 1:7-19  (note: this lesson is carved out of a much larger story) 1. Shiphrah and Pual are midwives.  But what exactly does a midwife do? I found this description:      Caring for women during childbirth including...

June 9, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Priscilla & Aguila”

by Paul & Tina Holderman We are enjoying hearing from the variety of people who have been speaking about Women of the Bible. Donna, you will be a hard act to follow, especially the humor!  Well done!  You had so much packed into a 20 minute message. Lots...

May 26, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…The Suffering Woman”

Author: Mariann Martin This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations Dustin gave us to practice what we learned from Naaman’s wife’s Jewish slave girl. What do you need to let go of to experience more freedom in...

May 19, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Jewish Slave Girl”

This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations to practice what we learned from Elizabeth… 1.            Like Elizabeth was to Mary, who can you be a blessing to...

May 5, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Samaritan Woman at the Well”

As we continue our series on Women of the Bible, I want to take a moment and remind you of the invitations from the teaching on Hagar… Can we pray in a way that changes our perspective, not necessarily our situation? Can you reach out to someone who is in the middle...

April 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Hagar”

This email is typically when we look toward the coming Sunday and begin to think about our time together.  With that being the case, I would like to recap the invitation that arose from our teaching on the life of Sarah… 1.            In what ways can you model...

April 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Sarah”

This week we will be looking at the life of Sarah.  Sarah lived a long life and made some mistakes along the way but is mentioned in the Bible more than any other woman.  Does that surprise you? This Sunday I hope we can look at a familiar story with fresh...

April 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Deborah”

Author: Ray Geigley After Moses led the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt and before they had kings to rule them, the people were led by judges. Deborah was one of those judges and the only woman to do so. I hope you can find time to read her full story in both...

April 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Abigail”

With Lent and Easter in our rear-view mirror, we will begin a new series for the next five months… you read that right, the next five months.  Our new series is Women of the Bible. Even though our focus will be on Women of the Bible, this series isn’t just for...

March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday

It is Holy week.  During our time together this past Sunday, I mentioned that Jesus entered Jerusalem four different times during the first Holy Week.  The first time is what we call the Triumphal entry.  Jesus entered the temple “and when he had looked...

March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday

This Sunday known as Palm Sunday; we recognize the moment when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in preparation for the Passover celebration.  The Passover was a defining moment in the story of God’s people in the Old Testament.  The place for that...

March 17, 2024 – Lent #5

Did you ever ask a question, and you didn’t understand the answer?  We have two homeschooled high school students in our home.  There are times when I walk past the kitchen table and whether it is their mom, their online physics teacher, their Bible teacher...

March 10, 2024 – Lent #4

As we continue our journey through Lent, this week we are invited to dwell with these four scriptures… Numbers 21:4–9 Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22 John 3:14–21 Ephesians 2:1–10 In Michele Hershberger’s book, God’s Story Our Story, she writes… “Judgment and grace are flip...

March 3, 2024 – Lent 3

This Sunday will mark the halfway point of Lent this year.  Our theme for this week is… Christ among Us, Showing Us Justice. The scriptures we are invited to dwell with are… Exodus 20:1–17, Psalm 19, John 2:13–22, 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 In Jesus’ day, the temple...

February 25, 2024 – Lent 2

Happy Tuesday, fellow travelers of the Way.  It is the second week of Lent, and we have some powerful scriptures for us this week… Genesis 17:1–17, 15–16 Psalm 22:23–31 Mark 8:31–38 Romans 4:13–25 I invite you to sit with each of these passages this week. ...
Sermon Series: The Holy Spirit

June 20, 2021 – Interactions with Jesus: Zacchaeus

This Sunday we continue with our series, Interactions with Jesus.    We find ourselves in Luke 19…     Luke 19:1-10                      ...

July 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…. Women of Galilee”

by Lora Roth In the article, “Follow the Women Who Followed Jesus”, author Dr. Holly Carey writes, “If you’re like me, when you hear the word disciples you picture the apostles—the twelve men who were called by Jesus and whose names are listed several times...

July 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Ruth”

by Lydia Tissue Harnish Ruth: A little book, only four chapters long, that illustrates an ancient mandate of how we care for the refugee, orphan, and widow.  From the beginning, the storyteller informs us this is a story about women – women living “in the days when...

July 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Daughters of Zelophehad”

by Anna Ressler This week we'll be looking at the story of Zelophehad’s five daughters (Malah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah) whose bold petition for inheritance resulted in an addition to God’s law for all of the Israelites.  (You can read all about it in Numbers...

July 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Widow’s Offering”

This week as we continue our series on Women of the Bible, we will look at the widow who gave two coins, her only two coins, at the Temple.  This story can be found in Mark 12 and Luke 21… Mark...

June 30, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Rachel & Leah”

This week we are back to our Women of the Bible Series.  Our theme for Sunday’s sermon (June 30th) is Comparison and Competitiveness, based on the story of two sisters, Rachel & Leah.  The scripture we’ll be looking at takes place in Genesis 29...

June 16, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Shiphrah and Pual”

by Pastor Blaine Scripture lesson:  Exodus 1:7-19  (note: this lesson is carved out of a much larger story) 1. Shiphrah and Pual are midwives.  But what exactly does a midwife do? I found this description:      Caring for women during childbirth including...

June 9, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Priscilla & Aguila”

by Paul & Tina Holderman We are enjoying hearing from the variety of people who have been speaking about Women of the Bible. Donna, you will be a hard act to follow, especially the humor!  Well done!  You had so much packed into a 20 minute message. Lots...

May 26, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…The Suffering Woman”

Author: Mariann Martin This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations Dustin gave us to practice what we learned from Naaman’s wife’s Jewish slave girl. What do you need to let go of to experience more freedom in...

May 19, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Jewish Slave Girl”

This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations to practice what we learned from Elizabeth… 1.            Like Elizabeth was to Mary, who can you be a blessing to...

May 5, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Samaritan Woman at the Well”

As we continue our series on Women of the Bible, I want to take a moment and remind you of the invitations from the teaching on Hagar… Can we pray in a way that changes our perspective, not necessarily our situation? Can you reach out to someone who is in the middle...

April 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Hagar”

This email is typically when we look toward the coming Sunday and begin to think about our time together.  With that being the case, I would like to recap the invitation that arose from our teaching on the life of Sarah… 1.            In what ways can you model...

April 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Sarah”

This week we will be looking at the life of Sarah.  Sarah lived a long life and made some mistakes along the way but is mentioned in the Bible more than any other woman.  Does that surprise you? This Sunday I hope we can look at a familiar story with fresh...

April 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Deborah”

Author: Ray Geigley After Moses led the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt and before they had kings to rule them, the people were led by judges. Deborah was one of those judges and the only woman to do so. I hope you can find time to read her full story in both...

April 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Abigail”

With Lent and Easter in our rear-view mirror, we will begin a new series for the next five months… you read that right, the next five months.  Our new series is Women of the Bible. Even though our focus will be on Women of the Bible, this series isn’t just for...

March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday

It is Holy week.  During our time together this past Sunday, I mentioned that Jesus entered Jerusalem four different times during the first Holy Week.  The first time is what we call the Triumphal entry.  Jesus entered the temple “and when he had looked...

March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday

This Sunday known as Palm Sunday; we recognize the moment when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in preparation for the Passover celebration.  The Passover was a defining moment in the story of God’s people in the Old Testament.  The place for that...

March 17, 2024 – Lent #5

Did you ever ask a question, and you didn’t understand the answer?  We have two homeschooled high school students in our home.  There are times when I walk past the kitchen table and whether it is their mom, their online physics teacher, their Bible teacher...

March 10, 2024 – Lent #4

As we continue our journey through Lent, this week we are invited to dwell with these four scriptures… Numbers 21:4–9 Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22 John 3:14–21 Ephesians 2:1–10 In Michele Hershberger’s book, God’s Story Our Story, she writes… “Judgment and grace are flip...

March 3, 2024 – Lent 3

This Sunday will mark the halfway point of Lent this year.  Our theme for this week is… Christ among Us, Showing Us Justice. The scriptures we are invited to dwell with are… Exodus 20:1–17, Psalm 19, John 2:13–22, 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 In Jesus’ day, the temple...

February 25, 2024 – Lent 2

Happy Tuesday, fellow travelers of the Way.  It is the second week of Lent, and we have some powerful scriptures for us this week… Genesis 17:1–17, 15–16 Psalm 22:23–31 Mark 8:31–38 Romans 4:13–25 I invite you to sit with each of these passages this week. ...
Sermon Series: The Way of Jesus

June 20, 2021 – Interactions with Jesus: Zacchaeus

This Sunday we continue with our series, Interactions with Jesus.    We find ourselves in Luke 19…     Luke...

July 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…. Women of Galilee”

by Lora Roth In the article, “Follow the Women Who Followed Jesus”, author Dr. Holly Carey writes, “If you’re like me, when you hear the...

July 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Ruth”

by Lydia Tissue Harnish Ruth: A little book, only four chapters long, that illustrates an ancient mandate of how we care for the refugee, orphan,...

July 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Daughters of Zelophehad”

by Anna Ressler This week we'll be looking at the story of Zelophehad’s five daughters (Malah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah) whose bold petition...

July 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Widow’s Offering”

This week as we continue our series on Women of the Bible, we will look at the widow who gave two coins, her only two coins, at the Temple. ...

June 30, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Rachel & Leah”

This week we are back to our Women of the Bible Series.  Our theme for Sunday’s sermon (June 30th) is Comparison and...

June 16, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Shiphrah and Pual”

by Pastor Blaine Scripture lesson:  Exodus 1:7-19  (note: this lesson is carved out of a much larger story) 1. Shiphrah and Pual are...

June 9, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Priscilla & Aguila”

by Paul & Tina Holderman We are enjoying hearing from the variety of people who have been speaking about Women of the Bible. Donna, you will be...

May 26, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…The Suffering Woman”

Author: Mariann Martin This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations Dustin gave us to practice...

May 19, 2024 – “Women of the Bible… Jewish Slave Girl”

This week before we look to our next woman of the Bible, I wanted to remind you of the invitations to practice what we learned from Elizabeth…...

May 5, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Samaritan Woman at the Well”

As we continue our series on Women of the Bible, I want to take a moment and remind you of the invitations from the teaching on Hagar… Can we pray...

April 28, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Hagar”

This email is typically when we look toward the coming Sunday and begin to think about our time together.  With that being the case, I would...

April 21, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Sarah”

This week we will be looking at the life of Sarah.  Sarah lived a long life and made some mistakes along the way but is mentioned in the Bible...

April 14, 2024 – “Women of the Bible…Deborah”

Author: Ray Geigley After Moses led the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt and before they had kings to rule them, the people were led by...

April 7, 2024 – “Women of the Bible….Abigail”

With Lent and Easter in our rear-view mirror, we will begin a new series for the next five months… you read that right, the next five months. ...

March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday

It is Holy week.  During our time together this past Sunday, I mentioned that Jesus entered Jerusalem four different times during the first...

March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday

This Sunday known as Palm Sunday; we recognize the moment when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in preparation for the Passover...

March 17, 2024 – Lent #5

Did you ever ask a question, and you didn’t understand the answer?  We have two homeschooled high school students in our home.  There are...

March 10, 2024 – Lent #4

As we continue our journey through Lent, this week we are invited to dwell with these four scriptures… Numbers 21:4–9 Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22 John...

March 3, 2024 – Lent 3

This Sunday will mark the halfway point of Lent this year.  Our theme for this week is… Christ among Us, Showing Us Justice. The scriptures we...

February 25, 2024 – Lent 2

Happy Tuesday, fellow travelers of the Way.  It is the second week of Lent, and we have some powerful scriptures for us this week… Genesis...