How has your summer been going so far?  One of the things our family enjoys about summer is making plans and looking forward to and anticipating those plans.  Another fun thing we enjoy about summer is the spontaneous ideas and activities we find ourselves doing over the summer months.  

Are you a planner or do you gravitate to being more spontaneous?  

This coming Sunday we are stepping out of our planned theme and are excited to hear what the youth will be sharing about their recent service trip to Kentucky.  I have heard a few stories from the trip and I can’t wait to hear more.  Come this Sunday ready to worship and ready to listen, believing the Spirit will encourage us, inspire us, and transform us.   

As someone who has done youth work at Marion and now having two youth in the program.  What a blessing it is to be a part of a congregation that supports our youth in tremendous ways.  This trip, their experiences, and the sharing this Sunday would not have happened without the support of the Marion congregation.  

So this Sunday, come, come and see, experience church in the sharing of our youth.  Come and see what God is doing in Kentucky and in the lives of our youth.

Good things are happening.  Come and see.

~ Pastor Dustin