Here we are, heading into the second week of Advent!
This week we have some classic scriptures in front of us, scriptures that invite us to look ahead at what we can look forward to. But it takes preparation.
Prepare the way of the Lord is our theme this Sunday. Here are the scripture references we are invited to meditate on this week…
Isaiah 11:1–10; Psalm 72:1–7, 18–19; Romans 15:4–13; Matthew 3:1–12
We read about… A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and The wolf will live with the lamb.
We have the words of Paul… May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus, 6 so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
And you can’t talk about preparing without the words of John the Baptist.
What are we preparing for in 2022? Is it the same things that John is talking about? Is it for the one voice that Paul is speaking about in Romans?
Is our life more about preparing, sustaining, or acquiring?
Do we hear John’s message and think about all those other people to whom it applies. You know, the Pharisees and the Sadducees; someone other than us?
Wouldn’t we rather hear and think about sweet baby Jesus?
But John’s not preaching a Christmas sermon. John doesn’t mention a beautiful night with a bright shining star to guide us. There are no humble and gentle shepherds guarding their flocks by night. No wise men bearing gifts from afar. John’s not looking at a manger scene where the little Lord Jesus lays down his sweet head. And the name Jesus isn’t even mentioned in today’s gospel. This is Advent, the season when wrath, axes, and unquenchable fire are talked about as good news.
Does that sound like good news?
Let’s talk about it on Sunday.
~ Pastor Dustin