It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Marion.  This Sunday we will be celebrating Christmas, sort of.  We invite you to be a part of our service this week, to enjoy the children’s choir, the adult choir, and the Christmas pageant.  There has been much practice and preparation, and you won’t want to miss it. 

This third Sunday of Advent is inviting us to ask another question… what’s next? 

This question is asking us, what do we do with our questions.  So often questions can make it seem like we aren’t knowledgeable or if we had a more mature faith, we would have less questions.  So often we value answers over questions, confidence over questioning, and intelligence over inquiry. 

But scripture reminds us that sometimes there are no answers to our questions. 

Our Advent scriptures this week are…

Isaiah 61:1–4, 8–11

Luke 1:46b–55

1 Thessalonians 5:16–24

John 1:6–8, 19–28

What questions do you carry with you these days?

Are you searching for answers or sitting with the questions?

As we wait for answers, what if the answers never come?

How is our faith affected by unanswered questions? 

Let’s talk about it on Sunday and let’s celebrate and worship together.

~ Pastor Dustin