It’s Easter Sunday!  He is risen. 

We are continuing with our theme of Deep calls to Deep.  This Sunday we are looking at Deep in the feast: Called to deep living.  

Our scriptures are…  

Isaiah 25:6-9

Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24

John 20:1-18

Acts 10:34-43

1 Corinthians 15:1-11  

As we look back at our Lent journey, we were called to… 

Deep relationship

Deep commitment

Deep wisdom

Deep healing

Deep growth

Deep hope

And now… Deep living 

Were some of these principals easier to relate to than others?  Which ones of these principals will you carry with you throughout the year?  

As we celebrate Easter this Sunday, let’s rejoice all that God has done for us. 

Come celebrate with us this Sunday!