by Paul & Tina Holderman

We are enjoying hearing from the variety of people who have been speaking about Women of the Bible. Donna, you will be a hard act to follow, especially the humor!  Well done!  You had so much packed into a 20 minute message. Lots of new insights. Thank you!

This Sunday we will be looking at Priscilla, whose story is closely tied to her husband, Aquila, so Tina and Paul will be bringing the message together as a team much like Priscilla and Acquila would have done as missionaries of the early church. 

To begin preparing for our worship time together on Sunday here is a personal Bible Study guide for you. 

Priscilla (and Aquila) Bible Study
Scripture Background: Acts 18, Romans 16:3-5, 1 Corinthians 16:19, 2 Timothy 4:19

Bible Study Review
1. What brought Priscilla and Aquila to Corinth?
2. What was Priscilla’s trade?
3. Where did Priscilla live?
Thoughts to Ponder
1. Why did Priscilla and Aquila go with Paul on his missionary journey?
2. Why did they host a church in their home?
3. How might they have risked their lives?
Personal Reflection
1. If you’re married, do you serve in harmony with your spouse?
2. Are you willing to serve however God calls you?
3. Do you mentor other Christians who aren’t as far along as you are?

Something for the whole family.

1. Pitch a tent and sleep outside for a night. 

2. Look at a Bible map in the back of your Bible or pull one up online. Locate Rome, Corinth, and Ephesus. 

3. Talk about what is involved in moving from one place to another. How might Priscilla and Aquila have traveled?

4. Imagine how your family would host our church in your house. 

5. Click Here to a quick Watch Video

Let’s Talk about it on Sunday.

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Priscilla and Aquila