This Sunday we start our summer series on the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew, chapter 5 through chapter 7. To kick off the series, Mariann Martin will be presenting. She asks that if you are attending in person and bringing a cell phone or other such device to church, that you set it to ‘AIRPLANE’ mode before you enter the sanctuary. She is sensitive to the radiation and it scrambles her tiny brain. She will be able to form words while speaking much more smoothly without the cell phone signal interference.
Do you see pictures in your head as you read or listen to scripture?
Mariann will be showing a slide show of images she has chosen to go along with the Sermon on the Mount. It’s a creative endeavor she enjoys doing to make scripture memorable. In fact, she did this 20 years ago and still remembers many of the verses from that exercise. She volunteered to do a presentation for us.
What illustrations has she rounded up? She’ll share them with us Sunday.
Come and see!
AIRPLANE mode is great! “off” does not do the trick, nor does “silence.” AIRPLANE MODE is the ticket. Thanks so much!