by Dustin Dawe | Nov 12, 2024 | I'm Engaged, Towards Sunday
I asked a question last Sunday during our time together and we looked at the Spiritual Practice of Confession. I asked if you believed that God really desires what is best for you. I think that question applies again this week as we look at the Spiritual...
by Dustin Dawe | Nov 6, 2024 | I'm Engaged, Towards Sunday
What do you think of when you hear the word… confession? Do you get tense and uncomfortable thinking about having to communicate things you have done wrong? Do you feel guilt and shame concerned if others knew about your sin? How do you feel about the word sin?...
by Dustin Dawe | Oct 29, 2024 | I'm Engaged, Towards Sunday
This week during our time together we will take a peek at the Spiritual Practice of Service. What comes to your mind when you think of service? As I have begun my studying this week, I came across someone who described the spiritual practice of service as…...
by Dustin Dawe | Oct 22, 2024 | I'm Engaged, Towards Sunday
As we continue our series on the Spiritual Practices, this week we will be looking at the practice of Simplicity. What do you think of when you hear the word simplicity? In Richard Foster’s book, The Celebration of Discipline, he talks about how inward...
by Dustin Dawe | Oct 15, 2024 | I'm Engaged, Towards Sunday
This week as we continue our series on Spiritual Practices, and we will be looking at the Spiritual Practice of Submission. It seems like submission can be one of those words that trigger some emotion in us. Is it because we have experienced unhealthy...
by Dustin Dawe | Oct 9, 2024 | I'm Engaged, Towards Sunday
This week as we continue our study of the spiritual practices, we are looking at Solitude. Solitude is often paired with Silence. In a world filled with constant noise and distractions, finding moments of solitude and silence can feel like an impossible...