A recent study found that the average “Christian” (I struggle with that word) prays less than five minutes a day.  Does that surprise you? 

As we continue looking at the Spiritual Disciplines (I don’t love this word either) we will be focusing our thoughts on prayer this Sunday. 

                Bunny Trail… I struggle with the word Christian because I feel the word is too generic.  I take offense being lumped in with other people that promote Christian nationalism, racism, hatred toward others, and a doctrine of me first.  Maybe this is better for another message series.  For the record, I prefer the term, Jesus Follower.  I read an author who used the term apprentice of Jesus.  I like that too.  

                Bunny Trail #2… The word discipline to some can carry a negative definition.  As I mentioned last Sunday, I have come to appreciate the terminology and understanding of the word practice.  The word practice helps us understand the process.  We are not perfect, we will make mistakes, and we never fully arrive at perfection in any of the “practices”.   We can always practice the practices. 

This week, I invite you to be a Psalmist and write down some prayers.  Writing out our prayers is a great way to be focused in prayer. There is something about putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard that centers our minds and enables our thoughts to flow. Writing out our prayers reflects the psalmists who expressed their praise, fears, and struggles to God through written prayers. And just like the prayers of the psalmists, we have the opportunity to look back at our prayers and witness how God has been faithful to us. We can see the ways that He has answered our prayers and worked through different situations of our lives.

How do you view prayer?

Are there particular people you seek out when you need prayer?

Do others seek you out when needing prayer?

What is the purpose of prayer?

Let’s talk about it on Sunday.

~ Pastor Dustin