This Sunday we will begin a new series.  I am often asked how I come up with these different series.  It is a combination of things… prayer and discernment, I often teach out of the things I am learning in my own journey, and ideas come to me through conversations with those at Marion. 

I can say this fall series is a combination of all three things.  More about that as we dig into this series.  This fall we will look at the Spiritual Disciplines as defined by Richard Foster in his book, Celebration of Discipline. 

This week we will start with the Spiritual Discipline of Meditation. 

What do you think of when you hear meditation? 

How would you define meditation?

Does meditation feel like some eastern mystical mumbo jumbo?

Does meditation seem foreign in our fast paced, instant gratification society?

Richard Foster recommends these daily scripture readings as we explore meditation this week:

Monday: The glory of meditation – Exodus 24:15–18

Tuesday: The friendship of meditation – Exodus 33:11

Wednesday: The terror of meditation – Exodus 20:18–19

Thursday: The object of meditation – Psalm 1:1–3

Friday: The comfort of meditation – 1 Kings 19:9–18

Saturday: The insights of meditation – Acts 10:9–20

Sunday: The jubilation of meditation – 2 Corinthians 12:1–4

I invite you to spend some time meditating this week. 

For some this is a well-practiced discipline, for others it will feel awkward.

Give it a try.

Which scriptures were easier for you to meditate upon?

Let’s talk about it on Sunday.