This week as we continue our journey through Advent, we find ourselves in Mary’s story.  First a visit from an angel and then she makes a visit of her own.  To read all about it, you can find the story in Luke 1:26-49ish

As we continue together on the journey, we are going to look at our relationships… family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, church family, and others. 

God seems to have created us with a need for codependency.  We were created with a need for others to be involved in our lives.

Is that encouraging or discouraging? 

As you read the story in Luke what do you notice?

As both Elizabeth and Mary are in the midst of unbelievable pregnancies, they are drawn to each other. 

Why is that?

How would you describe their relationship?

Elizabeth and Mary were related but their relationship seems deeper than that. 

Their stories are different in many ways but also similar. 

In what ways can you relate to Elizabeth’s story?

In what ways can you relate to Mary’s story?

Do you find relationships fulfilling or depleting, or both? 

Why do you think we were created and invited to live in community with others? 

Come and bring your stories of relationships, you will have an opportunity to share them. 

Let’s talk about it on Sunday. 

~ Pastor Dustin