Dear Friends,

Over the summer we have delved into stories of “Women of the Bible which, hopefully, have challenged, strengthened and encouraged us in our faith journey.  Join me this coming Sunday as I share personal stories of courage, faith, commitment and resourcefulness of several Anabaptist women whose lives mirror the situations of Biblical women throughout history.  

Making available the stories of these women and how God’s Spirit moved in their hearts helps us to understand major turning points in their lives, relating to dominant male context and socio-political backgrounds.  In the early Anabaptist movement, there were clear restrictions on the activity of women, although the initial call of the Spirit never was considered to be gender specific.  The strong emphasis on the activity of the Holy Spirit led individuals to repentance, faith, regeneration, water baptism and a new life.  This beginning point was crucial for the participation of women in the Anabaptist movement, for the Living Spirit directly called individual women and men alike to a living faith.  

Both Biblical and Anabaptist women risked their lives with a courage that only faith in God produces.  God’s Holy Spirit offers us new ways of seeing these women.

I’ll be referencing the following scriptures from the NIV:  John 3:8; Acts 12:5-7; Joel 2:28-29; Acts 2:17-18; Galatians 3:28; Matthew 5:11-12; II Corinthians 3:18.


From what we’ve observed in the lives of many Biblical women, why is knowing God central to our callings and our relationships with others?

What does it feel like to have God’s Spirit move through you?

What does it mean for us to be God’s image bearer today? 

Does our Anabaptist heritage influence your day to day living?

Are you fulfilling the call God has placed on your life?

Looking forward to sharing with you, 

     Pastor Connie